Friday, August 22, 2008

A few good things.

I apologize for the lack of posts lately.

My kids start school on Monday, and I have already had a full schedule of volunteer orientations, "meet the teacher" opportunities, etc.  I worked at the high school one day this week, helping with junior registration (my job was to hand out book covers and to tell the kids that only paper covers could be used this year - I was real popular, let me tell you).  I'm also the "chair-elect" for online registration at the girls' school.  This week and next I get to deal with the people who didn't do online registration during the month that it was offered and listen to them complain about why we only accept cashier's checks or money orders for yearbook orders, directories, PTA memberships, etc. at this point.  All of the things involving money are optional, but we do need everyone to fill out health forms, federally mandated migrant worker & home language surveys and the like.  Sometimes just I have to bite my tongue to avoid screaming, "I am just a volunteer!  I'd rather be home working on my blog than dealing with you!"  But, I digress.  I'm sure you're wondering when the title of this post is going to come into play.

Thank you so very much for all of your kind words of encouragement and your prayers for Vivian.  She has been eating much better lately (thanks to her speech therapist, Melinda, and her after school teacher, Cheryl).  She has generally been pretty sweet (except for hurling her doll at every one of Dots' and Hockey Boy's friends who's come over to our house this week).  Yesterday when we visited Vivian's classroom at her school, her teacher told me that starting Monday the district is going to pay an aide to come to our house every morning and help me get Vivian on the bus.  Wow!  I never dreamed that was an option.  I am so excited!  We adore this particular teacher of Vivian's.  This will be her third year in the Life Skills room with Vivian.  She stayed with Vivian earlier this month when we took Dots to camp, and she had a hard time getting Vivian on the bus for summer school the two mornings she was here.  So she talked to some administrators about what the school could do to help with the situation, and this was their solution.  We have had multiple instances where teachers and administrators have advocated for Vivian without our having complained, and we are so very grateful.

Now that I've rambled on, I'm about to be late for my morning walk.  There is a reason I usually post in the evenings: my thoughts are too scattered in the mornings.  I should probably take up coffee...  


Melissa said...

May blessings overflow.


Amber M. said...

HOORAY for help without having to beg for it. The best. And a happy Vivian? Even better.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Vivian is doing better. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And how amazing that the school is going to provide an aide for you in the mornings! That's wonderful! Sounds like Vivian's in a great school system!

JoAnn said...

An amazing gift to someone who deserves it.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Vivian is happy and doing good.

cotedetexas said...

Sorry to hear about Vivian's seizure. I am glad things got better. Interesting about her eating while sleeping !! Never heard of that before.

thank you for your sweet comment on the libraries. I was just in Ft. Worth - shoot!!! I could have gone to Dallas. Oh well, maybe next time.

Rachel said...

Hi Eloise,
After your sweet comment, i took a quick peak at your blog for the first time in a while. I'm so sorry for the challenges you've been facing with Vivian and I hope she continues to improve and that school goes well. How wonderful that the teacher got you an aide to help with the bus! What a teacher.

I hope the first day goes well!