Vivian eats breakfast on the bus each school morning. There are a couple of reasons for this: her bus comes EXTREMELY early (6:45) and if I wake her up and get her ready too soon, her anxiety builds and I have a difficult time getting her on the bus. I have the timing down to a nearly exact science so that she is busy from the moment I wake her up to the time she climbs on the bus.
Usually Vivian eats a bagel or an English muffin for breakfast. Yesterday I sent a pumpkin muffin with her. I asked her last night how she liked the pumpkin muffin. Without missing a beat she replied, "I got crumbs all OVER the place!"
I started laughing so hard. That doesn't sound like something Vivian would say, so I'm guessing that's what the bus aide told her.
In the way of an update, Vivian has been doing SO well lately. She has climbed onto the bus willingly and even cheerfully every day since I returned from Italy. Her teachers report that Vivian has been working hard at school. She's even been able to tolerate eating in the cafeteria and going to PE in the gym every day! Last weekend we were able to take her with us to the high school football game (in her stroller), and she was very calm and then eventually fell asleep. All of these are things that have been difficult with Vivian in the past.
Not surprisingly Vivian's seizures have been much less frequent lately. She had four within a 24-hour window one day last week, but that seems to have been an aberration as otherwise she has been experiencing fewer than one a week. I raised one of her medications slightly after those episodes last week, and she's not had another seizure since then. All in all a HUGE improvement from the spring and summer.
I take Vivian to get blood work done tomorrow morning in preparation for an appointment with the neurologist on Wednesday. I think he's going to be very pleased with how well she's doing.
Thank you to my friends and family for all of your kind words of encouragement and prayers for Vivian. I'm especially appreciative of the friends who know me only through my blog who have been so incredibly supportive.

Vivian kicking a ball in PE

Vivian running in the gym
**Vivian's teacher sent copies of these two pictures home and I scanned them into my computer. Vivian carried them around proudly before I ever saw them so they aren't in pristine condition! If I can get the digital files for them from her teacher, I'll repost better versions.**
Awesome. thanks for the fun update. I'm so glad that she's doing so well!!
Oh, sweetie, I am so glad things are going better. Vivian rocks! And so do you.
I cannot even imagine what you must go through everyday. I still remember that story you told me in Austria while we were eating dinner on the ship about those rude people at Rafas complaining about the noise and how Robert went over to their table. Remember that? Go Robert!
I have a special place in my heart for Vivian, so I am always happy when she feels strong and joyful! You, as her family, inspire me and help me to be brave and to perservere. Please tell Vivian that she has an admirerer!
You are such an amazing mother! All your children are so lucky and Vivian could not have been born into a more perfect family!
:) I have the same wreath on my front door! Wonder how that happened?
Hi - I just spent the last hour reading about your Italy trip - it looks so wonderful. My friend went to Lake Como this past summer - their second time. I was so envious of you and your husband and wishing Ben and I planned trips like that! He leaves it up to me and I hate to fly, so we never go anywhere exciting. haha
Glad to hear your precious daughter is doing somewhat better now. I'm sure you are so happy about that.
E: I want to thank you so much for your donation to donorschoose. I really appreciate it. I wanted to tell you that it was totally funded! And I had picked one of their more expensive projects too! thank you again, so much - it really is a wonderful world - this blogging thing.
Oh. Vivian sounds extraordinary...and I know you have learned much from her!
Strength and peace!
I'm so glad to hear things are going well forher, and by that same token for you!
Vivian looks like such a sweet little girl! I am glad to hear that she is adjusting to school so well!
I'm so glad things are going better!!!
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