A couple of years ago it became difficult for Robert and me to attend church together. Vivian was functioning at about a 4-year-old level, and the Sunday School classes with kids her age were too advanced but she was getting too big to be with the preschoolers. With her unpredictable behavior and tendency to scream and melt down at inappropriate times, taking her into the sanctuary with us wasn't a good solution either.
Some friends from my Circle (a monthly women's small group Bible Study) offered to coordinate a team of Sunday morning volunteers to care for Vivian one-on-one. They found an unused preschool classroom and recruited friends to stay with Vivian.
This worked great for about a year. But as Vivian's seizures increased and her behavior deteriorated, Robert and I struggled to get her dressed, into the car and into church in any sort of timely, peaceful manner. A couple of times when we were unable to get Vivian into the building, the volunteer offered to drive around in our car with her, but more often than not, I would send the rest of my family on to church and tell them to apologize to the volunteer while I stayed home with Vivian.
After one of these occasions, a friend offered to begin caring for Vivian in our house on her designated Sunday morning. This worked out so well that she was able to convince other volunteers to do the same.
What a blessing this has been for our family. On Sunday mornings an angel arrives at our house and stays with Vivian so that Hockey Boy, Dots, Robert and I can attend church together. We get up, get dressed and get in and out of the car without any fussing or screaming! It enables us to have a peaceful, productive morning of worship and fellowship.
Our family is very appreciative and thankful.
Hi Eloise, There really are angels on earth aren't there? You are blessed to have such caring friends and I know that in turn they are so happy to be able to do something that's a true help for you, Vivian, and your entire family. This was a very heartwarming post!
What a wonderful *community* of friends you have.
You have an incredible support network! What caring wonderful friends to do that for your family. It sounds like you go to an amazing church!
How wonderful! I love the support I get from our church, SMAA. They really helped during a very difficult pregnancy.
Here's to wonderful, wonderful women!!
Loves to you.
What wonderful friends you have! A strong support network is so important yours sounds amazing!
Praise God for such wonderful women to care for Vivian and your family. You are indeed blessed by these angels on earth! What a wonderful tribute to your circle.
That's wonderful, Eloise! It's great to know that there are such kind people out there.
Wow, that is such a blessing. I am humbled just thinking about that, and I hope that I can be as much of a blessing to others as those amazing women are for you!
Awwwww what a fabulous family of friends you have there to help you with your dear Vivian.
I loved this post, such a caring church and friends you have. What a blessing for you and your family.
Friends truly are one of God's greatest blessings!!
Love reading your posts and hope to become a better commenter!
What a great bunch of friends you have! It's so wonderful when women come together to support one another and help each other out. You are blessed!
What a lovely group of women. I am sure that Vivian is made to feel even more special by their friendship. And they are lucky to call Vivian (& you) "friend"
How very special!! What I love the most about this is not only that these woman are willing to serve your family, but they you are willing to let them. So often people suffer needlessly because they don't want to ask or accept help, but I suspect by your kindness of letting them help, they are getting as much out of it as you are. God bless, Shelby
Oh Eloise... I am so glad you are blessed by these angels. I would take a turn if I lived there:)
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