We had a very nice Thanksgiving Day. We gathered at Robert's mom's house with Robert's younger sister and her family and Robert's mother and older sister. Robert's twin brother and his family were with his in-laws.
My mother-in-law's table was beautiful, and she and my sisters-in-law had prepared a wonderful spread of Thanksgiving food, with my brother-in-law providing the delicious turkey and gravy. After dinner the kids played football and had a scavenger hunt outside while the rest of us watched the Cowboys beat the Seahawks (a Cowboys victory: now there's a cause for thanksgiving!).
All in all, a very nice Thanksgiving for our family.

Vivian initially would not get out of the car. She also refused to wear a pretty dress. You may have figured out by now that with Vivian I have to choose my battles!

My mother-in-law always serves a beautiful relish tray. I love her little covered butter dish with the duck on top

Progress: Vivian moves from the floor in the back of the car to the middle seat

Daddyman talks Vivian into leaving the safety of the car for her stroller on Mimi's front porch

Then he lures her into the house with the promise of some cheese and crackers!

Aunt Cheryl with her two boys and Hockey Boy and Dots

My nephews Jack and Matt lead the family in prayer before dinner

The kids serving their plates

Robert looks on while Uncle Dennis fixes the gravy

Annie has a table by herself (because her intended dinner companion Vivian retreated upstairs)

The main dinner table

Meanwhile upstairs in Mimi's sitting room...

Some after-dinner family football

Cousin Jack had prepared a pictoral scavenger hunt that the kids enjoyed

Vivian eventually ate a full plate of turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and green beans and then enjoyed some slices of pumpkin and pecan pie
Looks like ya'll had a wonderful day! My husband was happy about the Cowboys too!
What a nice day.
I love your blog!
I'm glad the day turned out good for all.
What a great day! The food looks wonderful and we had an amazing relish tray too!
Looks like a perfect day. I just LOV thanksgiving!!
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