Vivian at school after one of her peer tutors fixed her hair. Please disregard the Rudolph pajamas under her clothes...
I truly believe that there is a special place in heaven for special education teachers. Sometimes people imply that I'm some sort of saint because I am Vivian's mother, but special ed teachers sign up to work with kids like Vivian. I rather had it thrust upon me and would have quit many a day had it been an option (in fact, Robert and I have a joking agreement that if one of us ever leaves, that person has to take Vivian!).
I sent Vivian's teacher an email this morning checking on how Vivian's first week back at school after the Christmas holiday had gone. Vivian has been pretty reluctant (that's putting it mildly) to get on the bus, though it's gotten better each day, and her appetite has been nonexistent lately, so I was concerned they might be having some difficulty with her at school.
This was the response I received. I thought it was so dear that I would share it with you.
Vivian has done well this week. She did resist going to the Trading Post this morning, but once there she enjoyed buying a Sprite. We have been using art as a way to get her to work also. She will carry a piece of paper to someone and ask them to draw something for her (a bee, fire truck, flower, hamster, etc). We tell her if you do______ I will draw you a ______. It works most of the time. She read two books to me and finished math for Mr. Kemp. She is sneaky though, sometimes she will say no thanks when you ask her to work, then go ask someone else to draw it. It is smart of her to try that, and cute. She is eating well in the cafeteria. Still her regular, baked potato, grapes and apple juice. She also had a donut yesterday for a snack and as always she eats an apple during PE. Having more teachers and assistants this year has allowed us to devote more time to keeping her engaged. She has participated every week in Music Therapy, every day in PE, and is doing academic work in every subject. It is wonderful to see how well she and the others are doing. I will video everyone reading again next week and send home the discs. I tear up every time I see them reading and working so hard. Have a great weekend.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if everyone had a teacher like that?
Simply, yes.
You are blessed indeed, to have someone who cares so much for Vivian's happiness. That made my day. I want to be more like Vivian's teacher.
What a blessing this teacher is! Thanks for sharing her note.
Wow - home impressive! Vivian is lucky - and you and Robert are too! I think teachers are so undervalued and unappreciated. It's so nice that you see her worth. Thank you for sharing. Vivian looks so pretty here!
She is a saint on earth, for sure. Lucky Vivian.
What a wonderful teacher, you must be so happy to have someone so talented working with your precious daughter! :)
Ahhh.. I got teary reading it. you are indeed blessed with such a teacher. We are likely heading your way 1/31...will you be around?
In a word. Yes!
What wonderful dedication to her students. And what amazing feedback she gave you.
She gets a gold star on her forehead, indeed!
Oh what a wonderful teacher...she just brought tears to my eyes...How she loves her students...God Bless that woman! Teachers are so unappreciated, so thank you for showing your appreciation to her work!
Dear blessed Vivian!!
Oh no - nobody tells me Blake looks like me but you. :D It makes me very happy indeed!!!
Thank goodness for teachers like that. This world would be a better place if everyone had a teacher like that. What a great start in life everyone would have.
I am so glad that Vivian has a great teacher, and of course, that she has you as a Mom.
What a blessing! She sounds like a wonderful teacher!
You are so very blessed as is wonderful Vivian!
So thankful for good teachers, and for teachers that love their students. Vivian's teacher obviously loves her very much!
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