The beach

My favorite time of day: late afternoon Happy Hour in the Concierge Tower lobby

The kids' table at Happy Hour

Sunset from our balcony

Robert and me

With our sweet friend Zenith - she staffs the Happy Hour and makes our favorite drink, the "Zenith Special" (some sort of fabulous combination of rum and cranberry and guava juices)

Dots with her Tiki cup - nothing beats a frozen drink with a little umbrella!

Will and Jeffrey catching up on a little March Madness in our room

Dots in the pool with her friends Katie and Catherine

Hockey Boy with some friends in the hot tub (the two girls go to his high school)

The kids with our favorite hotel staff members, Zenith and Faye

Dots with her daddy in the pool

My favorite Hawaiian drink: the Lava Flow (pina colada with pureed strawberries - yum!)

Hockey Boy doing a flip with a twist off the Tarzan rope swing

My other favorite time of day: lunch at the Volcano Bar by the pool

My standard Volcano Bar lunch order: tuna salad sandwich. I love tuna and this is the BEST! I'm sure the atmosphere doesn't hurt either - LOL

The girls enjoying lunch at the Volcano Bar

Heading to dinner with the family (Hockey Boy is wishing he were back in the hot tub, I think)

View from our table - wow!

Look who was dining at the same restaurant! Hockey Boy is smiling again. One of the girls was celebrating her 16th birthday.


Preparing to leave (waiting for Dad to pull up in the embarrassing rent-a-car so they can pretend they don't know him)

Time to go home - boo hoo!
As you can tell we had a wonderful time in Hawaii. Aloha!
Here's a link to our hotel: The Grand Wailea
All of your pictures are just breathtaking!!!! We have been to Hawaii once a long, long, LONG time ago. I bet Lexi would enjoy it.....we may need to think about going again.
we have already been planning a trip back to Hawaii next year (we've only seen Oahu so far) and you have definitely convinced me we must go to Maui!! I have informed Paul that I already know our accomodations :)
Great pictures, glad you had a wonderful time!!
Looks like a wonderful vacation! Thanks for posting. And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog a while back.
What beautiful pictures! I love teh shot of the tiki torches while at dinner. I want to go, now!!!
Glad you had a wonderful trip. You can totally tell from your pictures that you guys had a blast.
I think it is shameful that you take your children on vacations and embarrass them! LOL LOL
Great pics!
You take the best photos and your posts never overwhelm. Sometimes people post twenty photos and too much information so I have to skip the blog post, but not you Eloise! You find a perfect medium!
It looks like you had a fantastic time and I am loving your hair color. It looks so pretty for the warm weather! Also, loving the Lilly dress, but I am most jealous of that pink cardigan- divine!
Eloise! These are just dreamy! Your children look so relaxed and happy (though I suspect they get that from their parents, not merely a vacation!) I love that hotel! I want to stay there. I really care about hotels--- I think a great one makes a vacation! And Tuna salad is my favorite. I am glad that you had so much fun, and I hope that Vivian had fun too--- I'll bet it was a special time for her to be with her teacher. And I must say, you looked darling in every photo! I love this post. It really takes me away! Thanks for your kind words on my blog ;)
Yes I noticed that Hockey boy's smile with those high school girls looks a lot more genuine than the one he has with the kiddies at the Happy Hour table. ;-)
Love your tunic!
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