Vivian's peer tutors fixed her hair and put a little blush on her face at school yesterday. Her sweet teacher emailed me this picture.
Note: Vivian was wearing a really cute shirt with a vintage rabbit on it for her last day of school before Easter; however she insisted on putting her "Peace, Love and Bananas" Curious George shirt on top of it! Choosing my battles... {sigh}
Pretty girl! I can't believe I used to babysit her....my how time flies!
Oh she is so pretty! Thanks for the info about the recipe success....glad people like it!
Have a lovely Easter E!
Vivian looks so cute and I LOVE her Curious George tee shirt!!!
Thanks so much for asking about my mother. She is still not doing well. She has these big spots coming up all over her body and is running a high fever. She is in Houston and waiting on the blood tests because two Dr.'s have now said it is a virus and the antibiotic they had her on is not working (because you don't use antibiotics with a virus). I told her if the blood test is not back today she needs to go to one of the GOOD emergency rooms and get blood drawn and an answer! She seems to be getting worse and worse.
You know, those ladies who work with Vivian sound AMAZING. What a sweet thing to make her pretty and then email the photo to you. Tey even got a smile.
She looks so pretty. What sweet peer pals she must have.
Have a good Easter.
Pretty, pretty girl! My heart is gladdened every time you post about her supportive and loving school environment. What a blessing for Vivian and her classmates.
Pretty girl INDEED!
I'm kinda lovin the peace and love shirt. A beauty...and strong, inside and out!
Enjoy your Easter...and you will be the first on the list when I do a tropical resort give-away (said in my best Bob Barker voice)
"Peace, Love, and Bananas"... Libby would LOVE that shirt! Vivian is a beautiful girl. Not just because of her pretty coloring, cute hair, and luminous skin, but also because her purity and innocence shine through. I am sure her patient and kind teachers feel blessed to know your family. Happy Easter Eloise! (Thanks fo rthe compliment about my home. Maybe I will do a "home tour"--- the good as well as the really ugly. It might be a good thing to show the progression of our home as time goes by)
I'm sure her Easter shirt is darling, but I love her Curious George shirt!
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