Last night was Hockey Boy's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. What a very special event it was for him and our family.

There were six boys from his troop receiving their Eagle Scout award at this ceremony

As an Eagle Scout himself, Robert was allowed to tie the Eagle neckerchief on Will

The candidate's mother pins the Eagle badge over his heart (don't ask how I was only one who didn't figure out how to do this and face the audience at the same time!) and then he pins a miniature badge on her in recognition and appreciation of his family's support in this endeavor

The new Eagle Scout with his parents, sister and cousins (Vivian stayed home with a sitter - she would have never made it through the long ceremony!)

Will with his grandparents

Will's hockey coach was in attendance

as were his first Cub Scout leader and her husband

and many aunts, uncles and cousins!

All of the new Eagle Scouts at the reception following the ceremony

The previous evening we went to dinner to celebrate. Dots and I posed with my mom and brother (who flew in for the ceremony) beforehand

Will invited his three best friends from his Scout troop to join us. I sat at their end of the table and was well entertained by their banter!

On a related note: my mom wanted to see the wood duck nesting boxes that Will built for his Eagle project

We were thrilled to discover mother wood ducks and babies swimming nearby and are hopeful this means the boxes were used
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a kid. You are so lucky. He's adorable on top of all that he's accomplished. Do you know that my husband is one badge short of his eagle scout award? He quit!!!! And his parents LET HIM!!!!!!!!! omg - it drives me crazy to think of it. All for a girl. and not me either.
You should be really proud. This is so huge!!!!! Congrats!
What a wonderful occasion! And how fantastic that Will had so many family members there. Congrats!
Eloise, it's always good to hear from you. Oh my goodness, you have every right to be so proud you're ready to burst! Loved seeing all those happy faces.
Congratulations to Hockey Boy and your whole family! How wonderful that so many of you were able to enjoy this occasion together.
An Eagle Scout! I love boy scouts. What a cute Eagle Scout he is. My Marshall will be getting his very soon too! Whew!
What an exciting event!! Congrats on the newest Eagle Scout in your family!!
Congratulations to Will! What a wonderful accomplishment!!! I love that you also got a miniature badge-- that is so great that they recognize you for all the support you and the rest of the family have given him.
Congrats to him and YOU! I know how much time was spent by you over the years helping him reach his goal. Great pictures from the night.
Congratulations on your Eagle Scout! And what fond memories having it held in our elementary school auditorium.
Oh gosh, I am so behind on blogs this week and now I feel terrible for not congratulating you on this last night. How exciting for Will and your family, what an honor!! It looks like a wonderful ceremony and after party and how nice that all the grandparents were able to attend too!
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