At the rehearsal

With the "Bun Lady" before the show

In the dressing room with friends
Dots was in three numbers.

Her tap routine was darling. Her group danced to a medley of 50's tunes, like Wake up, Little Susie, Hound Dog and Rock Around the Clock. I loved their costumes.
Her ballet class performed to Bizet's L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2. Half of the girls wore pink leotards with matching tulle skirts and the other half wore orange.

The contrast of colors was very effective on the stage, and their dance was beautiful.

Dots is in the middle row on the far right
Dots and her jazz class danced to Fergie's Labels or Love using shopping bags for props. This was right up Dots's alley and her favorite of the recital.

Dots is fifth from the right
After the show her dad presented Dots with some roses, and we took our traditional pictures of her by the SMU fountain.

I was so proud of Dots; she did a great job in each of her dances.
But what happened to my teeny ballerina?

Dots 2002
Awww! T has her first next week. also at SMU!
What a beautiful, beautiful young dancer you have. You should be proud.
What a lovely and elegant young lady she is!!!
Dots looks just beautiful in her ballet outfit (and great in the others as well).
You must be so proud! I can't even imagine Lily being that big! I'm hoping to start dance lessons for her this fall - as long as she's potty trained.
Great photos of what looked like a great day. I especially love the teeny tiny ballerina picture.
Those are great pictures and Dots looks beautiful in her costumes! Aren't dance recitals the best!?! Ours are always exhausting though since they do the rehersal/pictures on Friday night, a recital on Saturday night and a recital on Sunday afternoon (because we don't have a space big enough to hold a LOT of people that come to watch)! Sooooo the hair and make-up have to be done for 3 straight days....that can get a little challenging!
What great pics! Glad to see she's enjoyed dance for all of these years. My 4-year-old wants to start, so as soon as soccer ends, we'll begin looking at ballet classes.
Lovely! But they grow up in the blink of an eye. I miss the days of recitals and games!
Dots looks beautiful in all her costumes! The last picture is too sweet.
Love the pics of Dots and of Vivian and sweet kitty!
Aw, I love the two comparison photos - she has grown up so much! So cute. I have fond memories of my ballet recital.
There is nothing cuter than a little bitty girl in a tutu!!
I really like the pink and orange costumres. They really show up on stage.
She is quite the beautiful young lady!
She is just gorgeous!!! So sweet that pic of her younger too...awww!
AWWW- they grow up! that's what happens to them!
What sweet pictures! I just stumbled on your blog. I love your header!
Be sure you read about the son's father's marraige. the father's marraige history is incredible too.
Dot's looks so much like her Mom, so sweet and pretty, too.
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