Robert has already cemented his status as 'Father of the Year' after living through the incident with Vivian last month, but he earned a few more jewels in his crown this weekend.
The fifth grade at Dots's school has an end-of-school kickball tournament. Dots, having inherited her mother's lack of athletic ability, instead turned her attentions to team fashion and volunteered to tie dye t-shirts for all the girls in her class. Does anyone at her house know anything about tie dying? Does anyone at her house want to help with such an undertaking? Apparently when one has a fashion agenda to promote, such details are of not worthy of consideration.
By the time I learned of Dots's plan (Friday afternoon), three girls were slated to come to our house on Saturday, and eight more were either dropping off white t-shirts or sending them with a friend! As I feigned disgust at the lack of parental consultation, Dots replied nonchalantly, "Oh, I know Dad will help me."
Sure enough, after a 10-mile early morning hike, *Dad* went to Michael's to retrieve the necessary supplies and then set up a tie dye workshop in our backyard. He patiently instructed the girls and then supervised the production process.

I thought the t-shirts turned out really well!

(Note Vivian retreating inside after attempting to throw a ball at the finished shirts)
What a guy!!!
Beautiful shirts! You have a multitalented husband :)
I'm very impressed!
What a GREAT father!
Those shirts are AMAZING! You have one creative and loving husband Eloise!
Those shirts turned out GREAT!!!! It sounds like your hubby is wonderful!
Ah. The infamous "incident." I'll always admire your sweet husband after that one. And those shirts? Beautiful! You have a wonderful man in your life, you lucky lady.
I am impressed at how great those turned out, not that they wouldn't look great. So sweet of you husbadn to help out too!
This is the kind of thing I would (also) "delegate" to my Robert. I'm not athletic or crafty. ;-)
Wow- he is such a great husband and father!!!
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