To say that Vivian was less than thrilled about going would be an understatement!

Upon arrival at the fitness center, Vivian threw herself on the floor. Robert cajoled her with a video on his iPhone and some colored pencils until she would let me pick her up

But there was no way Vivian was getting in the pool on her own!

Even seeing other children enjoying the water did not convince Vivian that this was a worthwhile venture

Her sweet teacher Miss Pat tried to interest Vivian in an aquatic barbell, but Vivian wasn't buying it
About 25 minutes into our 40 minute class, though, Vivian decided that maybe the pool wasn't such a bad place after all.

A red kickboard finally did the trick!

By the end of the session, Vivian was kicking around independently!
As we left the center and got in our car, Vivian commented, "That was fun!" For one of us anyway...
Hee. "That was fun" mom is catatonic and in the fetal position!!
Hope the next one goes smoothly for ya!
Does Vivian have a place where she will swim in between the lessons?
You are such a great mom
"For one of us anyway..." Moms everywhere are laughing empathetically at this one Eloise! your devotion to getting Vivian to try new things inspires me. At least you both look cute in your suits!
Your love and patience is a model for us all. I'm so glad she liked it by the end of the session. Blessings to you!
Vivian looks so cute when you're holding her. You are such an awesome mom with her! I can imagine there were a few times you just wanted to either get out and leave or dunk her under the water. Oops did I say that? I remember mine screaming in swimming classes and thinking good lord I should splash you in the face and give you something to cry about. (thankfully I never really followed through)
Love you're swimsuit too!
They always make you work for the "that was fun" comment, don't they?
As for the Bourbon are exactly right. The alcohol keeps it from freezing beyond the slush. No matter how long it's been in the freezer, it is ready and waiting for you to easily scoop into your glass. Might be great for one of your neighborhood gatherings!
You really are a great mother. Vivian is a lucky girl - so is Dots and Hockey Boy!!! loved this W.
That is a great picture of Vivian smiling--she's just beautiful!
Oh, that Vivian! She makes my day. Such a trooper at the end after you are mentally and physically exhausted. Give yourself a good pat on the back for being such a GREAT mom.
~Debbie K.
I'm so glad she warmed up to idea of being in the pool. Her smile in those last photos say it all :)
I couldn't find your email so I am sending this to you by way of "comments". I love watching V, W and D growing up. I can not believe I held them all when they were babies!
We were in D last weekend and drove by to see if you were home. The front yard looked like there had been some major outdoor games and tons of fun. The wedding took all of your time but it was fun to where all the action takes place. Tell R that B says hello. Love, LK
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