Secondly, a disclaimer about the awful quality of the pictures to follow. I don't know WHAT I did to my camera's settings, but the pictures are terribly out of focus. Unfortunately I had such unwilling subjects on the first day of school that had I no opportunity to fiddle with my camera settings.
My kids started back to school on Monday. Everyone except Vivian seemed pretty excited about the first day.
We have another boy living with us this school year. *Friend of Hockey Boy* is playing for a AAA hockey team in Dallas, a level that in unavailable in his hometown. He attended Hockey Boy's high school last year, and they became friends. He is a very polite and appreciative boy, and so far I have hardly known he was here.
I would appreciate prayers and good thoughts for Vivian right now. I have had a terrible time getting her on the bus these first three days. She has a new driver, a new pickup time and a new seat assignment, none of which are making an already stressful task any easier. I am trying to jump through bureaucratic hoops and get Vivian back with her old driver (who is still driving a route in our area and dropping off kids at Vivian's school). If we can't work that out, the district has offered to have Mr. Kemp (Vivian's wonderful aide at school) stop by and help get Vivian on the bus in the morning for a few weeks. Hopefully one way or another that situation will improve soon.

Hockey Boy and Friend of Hockey Boy (I cannot even believe that I am posting such terrible pictures)

The response I got when I called out, "But boys, I don't think my camera was in focus!"

I got an equally helpful response when I told Vivian her bus was here!

Fortunately Robert stayed home to make sure Vivian got on the bus ok. It took both of us to wrestle her on board! Her new driver was not very patient, which didn't help matters

My sweet Dots who was excited about the first day of school. Unfortunately I'd spent so much time dealing with Vivian that I didn't have a chance to fix my camera before leaving to take her to school
Bless your heart - seems like that first day of school was a tad bit stressful.
And that Vivian - I love that girl. I think I would, also, be intimidated by new surroundings.
Prayers are with all of you for a smoother week and year of school.
Take Care!
~Debbie K.
Sounds like you have been a busy bee lately! The pictures are so sweet. Hopefully, things with Vivian will work themselves out shortly. Will be keeping you and Vivian in my thoughts.
Focused or not, your phots are great! They tell a story and the boys with their backs to you is hysterical!
How great that you are housing a friend of hockey boys for the whole year! That must be an interesting story.
As for Vivian...the school should really know not to mess with a good thing when it comes to the bus driver. My fingers are crossed that everyone cooperates, especially sweet Vivian!
I hope you soon have a minute for a cup of coffee, a hand of bridge, and some time for you!
That stinks that your camera was out of focus. Sorry things have been a struggle with Vivian. Change is so hard for some kids. I will pray that she adapts to the changes facing her. Loved all your vacation photos.
So is your newest addition going to be referred to as FOHB?! Hope things get better with Vivi's mornings.
I can't imagine how strange and unfamiliar things must feel for Vivian. Hopefully, things will work out and she can have her old driver back.
We have one more week before school starts...
I will keep you in my prayers abt the whole bus thing, Eloise! Thanks for your visit and sweet comment AND order! I look forward to sending your cards out. XO
Hope that the morning routine of getting on the bus improves and turns into a happy event. I am very jealous of your district's new registration program. I want that for our district, it sounds wonderful.
Oh Eloise, I am sure that is tough on you and poor Vivi looks frightened curled up on the couch. I am sure all that change is just difficult. I will say some extra prayers for you and Vivian. I hope her old driver can resume taking her.
We might be heading up your way this Fall for another tournament so maybe I can sneak away and visit you:)
I will let you know.
Your kids are precious and you are such a good mama!!!
Oh Eloise! You have so much on your plate right now, you musn't apologize to us about blogging. I will keep you all in my prayers and hope next week getting on the bus gets easier (I sure hope you can get the old driver back)!!
I think the photos are just fine. What matters most, is that you are a great Mom.
Hang in there - I'll keep all of you in my prayers, hoping there's a way to ease Vivian's routine. And best of for a great school year. A big one for Hockey Boy! BTW, I just finished Pat Conroy's "South of Broad." If you haven't read it, it's worth a look.
Take care!
That is really too bad about the driver, especially being impatient! So glad that the change worked out!
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