Dots seems to be having a great time at camp. I've seen several pictures of her on the camp website and received one cheery letter from her. I can't believe that it's almost time to pick her up!

This is more detail than I received in seven years cumulative of camp letters from Hockey Boy!


More camp fun
It's just so wonderful that you're able to see these pictures posted on a website. It must make you feel so good to know she's having such a great time.
Wow! When my daughter (28) went away to camp there was no way of getting pictures of her there. So glad Dots is having a good time. It's a great camp.
It looks like she is having a blast. What great pictures!
What a great letter! You got more info in one letter than we received all summer from the Dog.
She sure looks like she is having fun. Isn't it great to have the photos? We wish we had more on our camp's website.
----This is more detail than I received in seven years cumulative of camp letters from Hockey Boy!----
too funny!!!
I once got a postcard from my son at camp. A neighbor had driven him to the camp, with his two daughters, and they went early so they could go out on his brother's boat that morning. The postcard said "I am feeling better now and Mr. C..... said not to worry about throwing up all over his brother's boat."
EEEK! My neighbor had never said a word to me.
Dots look exactly like I remember you growing up. I bet if you found pictures of you from your camp days they would look the same!
That is an informative letter! I want to hear more about the wild side of the cabin, you must update us when you pick Dots up. I am glad she is having such fun!!
I'm so happy for her!! I loved camp. Was so good at archery and riflery!!!
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