Hockey Boy had to go home a couple of days early (for Varsity Hockey and Senior Registration Day at school, not because he was afraid of getting dragged on another hike!). Robert took this shot on their way to the airport. This and all of his pictures from the hike were taken on his iPhone; can you believe it?

That afternoon my mom hosted a picnic lunch for the men who are working on her house (clearly containers are allowed on the table when it's a picnic)

Robert grilled the hamburgers and hot dogs, and I helped serve the food

While my mom did all the behind the scenes work

Pretty nice site for a picnic!

In this picture you can see the stone work that these men are doing on the front of my parents' house as well as their beautiful view

The next day my mom took Robert, Dots, Vivian and me into Grand Teton National Park

We stopped at the newly constructed Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve

This beautiful visitors center contains educational, geographical and historical information about the area in addition to several sensory exhibits highlighting the natural features of the Preserve's hiking trails and lakes

The Center as viewed from the other side

Robert showed us on this topographical rendering where he and my dad and Hockey Boy hiked

It's hard to tell from this picture, but this room had four screens showing beautiful photographs of the Preserve in all four seasons while peaceful music played in the background

Vivian loved this picture of two baby bears climbing a tree. We had to wait for the slideshow to cycle through several times so she could see them again and again!

We took a brief walk on the Preserve's beautiful trails. We could only get so far with the stroller (Vivian was happy in it and we didn't want to rock the boat by making her get out)

Dots loved the trails, especially the waterfalls

After leaving the Preserve, we stopped in Teton Village, where the Jackson Hole ski area is located

We had a lovely lunch on the patio at the Four Seasons

One of us didn't think lunch at the Four Seasons was such a swell idea. Luckily there was an empty sofa next to our table which made a fine spot for lying down and watching "Dora the Explorer" on the iPod (which Vivian refers to as her *phone*)

For dessert we shared this fabulous chocolate fondue
All in all a great vacation for our family. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Thanks for taking me along on your beautiful trip!
Can I come next time??
What a great time y'all had! Your pics are great! Does your mom have room for one more?!
W: Dots is looking more mature in that last picture - can you see it? Sometimes Moms don't notice the change, but she is def. becoming a woman. she just looks a little older! she is really a beauty. ok - so HB and Elisabeth? is it a match? haha!!!!
I have loved following along! It's so beautiful there and looks very relaxing.
I'm glad you all had a great time.
Welcome Home!
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