One of the first things I did when I found out I was expecting each of my children was to purchase a stocking canvas and begin needlepointing it. After I completed all of their stockings, I purchased canvases for Robert and myself. I finished Robert's stocking some five years ago but somehow never got started on mine. I suppose as I began knitting again, exploring on the Internet, playing bridge, reading blogs, etc., I depleted all of my leisure time!
Each Christmas I would display our four stockings and tell myself that I needed to get to work on my own. After Christmas it always seemed there was plenty of time. Yet before I knew it, July would roll around and I would concede that I could never complete the stocking by the October 1st finishing deadline (each stocking takes me about a year to a year-and-a-half), so once again, I would neglect to get started on it.

Last month, however, I decided to bring the stocking with me to Jackson Hole so that I could commence working on it and strive to finish in time for Christmas 2010. I lugged my needlepoint bag all the way out to Wyoming only to discover that I had pulled very few threads for my stocking and that I could no longer recall what I had planned to do with the few that I had!
Discouraged but inspired, I paid a visit to my needlepoint store as soon as we returned home. The workers in the store welcomed me back warmly and helped me select some threads and stitches for my project. I had forgotten how much fun it was to look at all of the different fibers, with their widely varying textures and colors, and choose the ones I wanted to use.
Since then I have been back at work on my stocking. I'm enjoying it immensely, though wishing I had worked on it more when my eyes were better. Now I have to use reading glasses and a bright light {sigh}.
I decided to post a picture of my stocking here and ask you to hold me accountable for finishing it. I hope to post pictures of the work in progress periodically. If I don't, please nag me about it!

So far I have just done the little houses and church at the top and I've started on the sky. These areas have all been done in basketweave stitch which is slow and boring. I plan to use some more interesting stitches on the Christmas trees and perhaps the horse, sleigh or pond
You're so funny! What a fun thing to have and I agree...it is about time to get yours up there on that beautiful mantle with the rest of your family.
Beautiful! I just love needlepoint stockings!!! I can't tell you how many unfinished craft projects I have. Come to think of it, I think I started needle pointing a stocking for Miss Priss when I was pregnant with her--I wonder where that thing is?!
I am a world-class napper and have put you on my list! LOL
I have done every needlecraft known to woman, and I hated needlepoint. It was just not exact enough for me! So I give you a lot of credit.
Do you have an OTT lite?
I am a world-class napper and have put you on my list! LOL
I have done every needlecraft known to woman, and I hated needlepoint. It was just not exact enough for me! So I give you a lot of credit.
Do you have an OTT lite?
I am so glad you decided to get your stocking done. They are all beautiful and such an undertaking. I only know how to do basketweave so the variety of stitches is going to be really neat. We'll be checking in on you!
I am involved in a women'a Base Group (Bible Accountability)from my Sunday School class, 7 of us, and we have been together for about 15 years now. I have this accountability thing down pat...so I will be more than happy to help out! I love needlepoint stockings. Heck my eyes are so bad now, even with bifocals not sure I could thread that needle! Just another sweet perk for getting older!!
Can't wait to see your stocking completed and all 5 hanging!
Where do you purchase your canvases (sp?) in the DFW area? I love your tradition of starting a stocking once you found out your were expecting!
Good luck on the stocking!
Go for it, girl! It's your turn now. I too was the only one not represented on our mantle when one Christmas my sister took pity on me and requested the unmade stocking, took it home with her and worked on it during the year and - voila! - the mom in the house now had her own hand-made stocking! May you either be so lucky, Eloise, or find and make the time to complete it yourself!
Those stockings are amazing! What a wonderful talent you have. Now I am excited for Christmas!!
Eloise...they are beautiful and I hope you complete it this year!!!! Kate has been hoe for 2 Christmases and I still have not updated our stockings either..We are one short. You reminded me to start looking.
Isn't it ironic. Everyone's done but yours. As mothers all we do is put ourselves last on the list, if at all! I am guilty of this too. But really, shouldn't we put ourselves first? Teach other people how to treat us!!!! I am so glad you picked it up again!
My mom used to do this, when she could still use her hands really well. This was very nostalgic for me to read and see...and you're funny - which is, well...fun!
Glad you got back on the wagon...you can DO IT!
Are you coming to the airport for Keira? Just sayin...
This makes me think of the stockings that I have, exactly like that (well, not the design, but the needlepoint)...my husband's dad's wife gave them to me one of the first Christmases that they were together and I never started them. That was probably 10 years ago! You make it look doable. :)
How beautiful are those stockings! Actually you entire house is lovely. I use to do needlepoint (the beginner’s version) and my mom would make fun of mine because the back would be a mess with strings hanging out everywhere. I can’t wait to see what the finished product will be like.
Keep plugging!
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