We were able to get Vivian switched back with her old bus driver - hooray! I have had a much easier time getting her on the bus since then: a couple of days she has walked on by herself and a few times I've had to carry her, but at least I haven't been wrestling with her or chasing her as she runs the opposite direction. This driver (whom we love) picks Vivian up at 6:45 as opposed to 7:15 like the other lady. I know that hour sounds terrible, but it seems to work better as there is not time for Vivian's anxiety to build. Oddly enough, I also think having the others asleep when Vivian departs is easier too as she doesn't have the impression that she's the only one leaving while everyone else gets to stay home. Understand that all of this is pure conjecture on my part as I have only a scant idea of how that crazy little brain of Vivian's operates!
I've received positive reports from school so far. This year Vivian is changing classes more and working with several different teachers. I was a bit leery about how that would go, but Vivian is evidently handling the transitions well. She's even been successfully attending a mainstream art class.
Her teacher reported a funny story about Vivian in art. One of the first days Vivian went to that class, she sat down at her assigned table and then screamed. Her aide, Mr. Kemp, who loves Vivian and knows her very well, ignored her outburst. Vivian repeated it and then told Mr. Kemp, "I scream. I need to go to time out." Mr. Kemp looked at her and said, "We're not leaving." Vivian stared at him for a second and then went right back to work!
I always appreciate your kind words of support and encouragement after I post about Vivian.
...and you deserve every kind word, my friend. You are the best!
It sounds like she is settling in quite well and that she has a fabulous teacher that knows exactly how to handle her. I know that eases your mind.
Ditto to what JoAnn said.
That is a beautiful photo of Vivian smiling! That smile just makes me smile. So glad you were able to work it out with the bus driver...its the little stuff that can make or brake a day. Love how her art teacher knew exactly how to handle her...she's testing those boundries, she absolutely knew what she was doing...smart girl!! Thanks for sharing!
I am glad to know she is having a good year so far and that you worked out all the kinks. You are an amazing mom!!!
I am glad it is working out. I am not sure if I ever mentioned that since bringing Lia home I have traded in full timteaching to work as an assistant teacher in special ed. Part of my job over the past few years as been to support our students in mainstream classes. Your story about Viv and her aide made me smile in recognition...and also because I think that was pretty darn clever of Vivian! I hope the year continues to go well...mine will begin in one short week...
Vivian sounds pretty tricky. I am so impressed by her aide that he knew what he was doing enough to keep her in class! Mr. Kemp sounds pretty smart!
I'm so glad she is having a good year so far. I hope it continues and that Mr. Kemp stays on top of her!
What a nice photo of Vivian! So glad you were able to get your old bus driver back. I love your stories about the people who work with Vivian at school; they're clearly wise and compassionate folks.
You are an amazing woman! And blessed to have 3 beautiful children. Thank you for sharing your journey.
I've been reading your blog for quite some time. I enjoy it always.. absolutely love your frankness.. Vivian has my heart. And when I read that you've taken on a "boarder" I awarded you the gold medal for "Good Person"...
Yeah for Vivian (and Mama too)! So glad to hear her original driver is back and I can totally understand that it's easier to have her out the door before the others are up.
I love that her aide has her number...isn't that great she has such a wonderful helper in her life!
All the best to you!
I got a bit behind on my google reader...I am so glad that Vivian is doing better! It seems like things are falling into place for a productive, fun, and successful year!
Wonderful photo of Vivian! And so glad that you were able to get the old bus driver back. Here's to a great school year. :)
Reading this reminds me of how precarious Vivian's emotions can be, and how much you live moment to moment. I am sure it is challenging, but she really sounds to be thriving and giving joy to so many. You are the kind of mother that every child rightly deserves. I wish Vivian many happy days at school. And your family many easeful mornings too!
That is a funny story. She obviously knows Mr. Kemp means business!!!! Glad everything is turning around!!!
I love your posts regarding Vivian! They are hands down my favorites.
The photo of Vivian s beautiful..and it is great to read that she is settling in well.
Great news all around!
PS Our Mclaren Elite stroller arrived this morning and I can't wait to try it out with our little Miss.
Beautiful pic of Vivian! I'm always amazed at the patience, wisdom, and skill of our aides at school! So happy that Vivian has such a special one.
I'm so glad the bus driver is back!Vivi has surprised us many times with her "awareness" of how things work. She was here in GA visiting us and sang endless rounds of Little Bunny Foo-Foo. Her cousin Henry (probably 4 at the time) shouted impatiently for her to HUSH. Vivi calmly looked at Henry at the end of the verse and instead of ending with "poof you're a goon", waved her pretend magic wand at him and said "poof you're a girl". Then she started singing the song from the beginning!
You are the best!
I am so glad things are going well and she has her favorite driver back. I know someone who just started driving a bus for special needs kids and she is the sweetest, kindest person you could ever meet. How luck for those kids to have such a nice person helping start off their day. I realize that first interaction for Vivian will set the tone for the rest of the day. And kudos to her aide for not allowing her to manipulate him. Lol!
I am so glad that Vivi is doing better. I am sure that makes your heart lighter.
Oh it can all be so trying...for EVERYONE.
Wonderful update. Vivian is progressing.
Hugs and strength and peace!
LOVE that pic!
I don't know how you do it - but it's inspiring!
Did you get my e-mail?!?
BIG HUG for your gift this week...what a blessing!
I am sure it feels so good to know that this new schedule is working for your daughter. Glad for you! And for Vivian!
I just read your story about vivian.I have a boy four years old and diagnosed with autism. I battle some of the same obsticles that you do...thanks for sharing.
what a cute story - telling on herself! I am noticing that pillow - from PIndler and PIndler - I do know my fabrics!
thanks for your great comment today-!!! loved it!!!!!
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