I believe I have previously documented here that Rudolph is a year-round attraction at our house thanks to Vivian's great fondness of him and his red nose.
Hockey Boy had a tournament this weekend, and we spent much of our long weekend at the rink. The venue's employees had zealously decorated for Christmas, and the festive Santa pictured above was in the lobby.
Vivian spotted him immediately as we entered the rink and said indignantly, "Hey! Santa have to get off that tractor! Where is Rudolph? Rudolph have to pull Santa's sleigh!"
Too precious!!
Bless her heart.
How funny!
The best "confused" decoration I ever saw was a giant blow up Nativity scene. While I remember Mary, Joesph and the baby Jesus at the Nativity, I do not remember Santa Clause praying next to the manger!
I wish I had a picture of that!
Good for Vivian for standing up for Rudolph! Kaylin has a love for tractors and would be thrilled with this Santa's choice of transportation!
you need to write a book with all the Vivian-isms. They're priceless.
And no, we would nOT be neighbors! I can't afford the real estate there!!! haha!! I wish though.
Vivian is just too funny for words!
How is your needlepoint stocking coming along?
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