Charles and Robert had to catch a bus for the starting line at 5:30 so I very generously got up and took their picture before going back to bed

Charles took pictures of the marathon staging area. An estimated 43,000 runners participated in this year's NYC Marathon!

This was Robert and Charles's 13th Marathon

It was Robert's second time to run NYC, which he cites as his favorite, and Charles's first

Meanwhile, Patti and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and then walked to Mile 17 (at 2nd and 64th) to try and spot our runners. Here we are passing Central Park. Aren't the leaves beautiful?

I am very blessed to have Patti for my sister-in-law. We get along very well which is handy because our husbands are extremely close

We arrived at our watching spot about 15 minutes early and edged our way to the front. Right on schedule Robert and Charles ran by! (Robert is in orange and Charles in white on the right-hand side)

"Good luck, guys! See you at the finish!"

What would be the opposite of running 26.2 miles on a Sunday morning? Perhaps sitting in a cafe near Carnegie Hall and sharing an eclair?

The Family Reunion area on Central Park West was a bit of a zoo, but we finally located Robert and Charles

The Finishers!

Charles and Robert posed with their medals as we made our back to our hotel

I'm so proud of Robert!

We enjoyed the evening wine reception at our hotel before heading out for our victory dinner (sadly this dark grainy picture taken with Charles's cell phone is the only one I got of the four of us in NY)

For dinner we met an SMU friend who'd also run in the Marathon. Lisa lives in NY and had made reservations for us at a fabulous Upper East Side Italian restaurant called Nino's

After dinner we walked around Times Square. We saw a lot of runners sporting their medals

Monday morning we did a little souvenir shopping before stopping for a slice of NY pizza and heading to the airport

Goodbye, New York! Hope to be back soon!
I love the picture at Mile 17 and how happy they were to see you!!
What a fun trip! I think its so cool that your dh and his brother do a marathon together every year. My husband does one a year, but I think doing it with his brother would be make it even more special.
Wow...what an accomplishment. The guys look like they are having a great time sharing the marathon/event together.
I love that you and your sil had eclairs while they were running...what a pair!
So funny! My brothers are twins named Robert and Charles too. But my brother Robert goes by Max for his middle name Maxwell.
What fun! Loved the pizza shot. There's no pizza to equal NY pizza.
Fabulous Post and Fabulous Accomplishment! And they look so great after the race. Of course I am thinking of what I would look like - haha. That medal is one piece of jewelry that I will never own. ;-) xoxo
What an amazing accomplishment!! I had a dream last night I ran a marathon...but that may be as close as I ever get...
I can't believe how happy they look at mile 17!! Congrats to them both! Glad it was such a fun trip.
Looks like everyone had a great time! Good for them for running the marathon!
How fun! Yes, I would be eating the eclair as well ;0)! Congratulations!
What a fun time!!!
I have a question though....where do they leave their stuff while they're running. You mentioned that they had a camera with them.
Looks like you had a fabulous time! Major Kudos to Robert for running the marathon! :) HOpe you had a safe trip home!
This is great! I'm with y'all on the eclairs!
At mile 17 I would be gasping and there they are smilin' and waving. Such a great trip for you and your husband and his twin and wife. Very cool!
Hi again! Just went back and read about Katie. I am so very sorry about your loss! She was precious and I know your family must be so grief stricken. Tell her Mommy we're praying for them here in TN!!
LOVE the running pic! That is amazing that you'll saw each other!! Fun times!
Wow! I love those pictures where you saw them running - how cute are they!!!! Do you and your sister in law ever think "I got the cute brother?" haha! they look so alike it's uncanny. really really interesting. loved this.
e: thanks for the comment! I laughed at your recipe book - we ate lots of hamburger helper back then. yummmmmmmm.
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