Last night the weather forecast predicted snow for us in Dallas today. Dots began excitedly plotting for a school cancellation before I reminded her that snow is pretty rare here and the weather people typically have to forecast it about five times before we actually see any flurries.
So, it was a really fun surprise when around 7 a.m. we began to see large white flakes fallling from the sky! It was even more exciting when they continued and even stuck a little bit.
Of course the snow is melting quickly and I know our little display pales in comparison to the thick blankets of white enjoyed by my friends up north, but our snow was very pretty to see while it lasted!

View from my dining room - I started putting up Christmas decorations yesterday

My mom brought me that cute Rudolph for our front door. I haven't yet hung the fresh wreaths on my windows
I about died when I looked out and saw the snow this morning! Your photos really captured its' beauty!!
Gorgeous...send some to Indiana! :)
The snow is so pretty! Your home is beautiful!!
dallas had snow before chicago! im kinda jealous!
Wow! We haven't had any snow in NC yet! You got just enough to be pretty but not enough to shovel :)
We had it too in Southern Oklahoma.♥
Well I am in WI so we get plenty of snow, but we have only had one very light snowfall so far this year. I think we are supposed to get some snow tonight. I love that first snowfall. Glad you got to enjoy a bit of it.
I can't wait until our first snow flurries - really gets you in the holiday spirit, doesn't it?
How exciting....they say we might get some tomorrow. We get it even more seldomly that y'all:) Your photos are lovely.
Your home is lovely, lovely, lovely. Your window treatments in the dining room are stunning. If you look at my blog, you can see why I'm a little pre-occupied with them!
I just became a follower and hope you'll take a peek at some of my posts too!
Oh, and send some of that snow to South Carolina, please.
Love the curtains! I want a house tour from you!!
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