View from the driveway, Christmas Eve

My mom's mantle - guess whose love of Rudolph was the inspiration!

Looking out the front window

Our Christmas tree

The dining room wall

Table set for dinner

Entry hall (apologies already to my mother for not closing the door to the utility room before I took this picture!)

World's cutest girl! My niece Mary Grace on the back deck

Dots with her snowboard

Will (plaid jacket) on the ski lift with friends

Mary Grace & Vivian

Will with my nephew Matt

Kids dinner (oh, horrors - a ketchup bottle and a Coke can on the table! Sorry again, Mom!)

Matt & Will chill out

My brother Jonathan, Robert and Will ready to cheer on the Mustangs in the Hawaii Bowl. SMU won - hooray!

My mother holds court with the grandchildren on Christmas Eve

My mom & dad help Jed and Dots hang their stockings

Mary Grace & my mom

Vivian & me - yes, occasionally I make it out from behind the camera!

My brother & his kids with Dots
Coming up next... Christmas morning!
I've never been to Jackson Hole in the winter (seeing as how DOTR and I grew up in Nebraska, we're never in any hurry to be cold) but love it in the summer. My aunt and uncle have lived in Cody for about 30 years....and we only visit them in summer, too!
What a wonderful family holiday!
It appears to have been a wonderful Christmas! Your mother's home is lovely!!
Your mom and dad must have been THRILLED to have you all there. Just lovely.
Your parents have such a warm and cozy home! Looks like a wonderful Christmas celebration!
You are so cute. What a sweet family. Are you already planning your valentines day lunch? Post please!
What fabulous pictures. I love all of your Mom's decorations. Also, the picture of your Mom with the grandchildren is great....she is definitely holding court! Love all their PJ's too. Hope you are having a Happy New Year.♥
What lovely photos! They are so picturesque that they look like postcards! Looks like a splendid Christmas indeed!
It must be so much fun spending the holiday in that lovely house. ROTL about the ketchup bottle. Your poor mom. Such beautiful photos and I LOVE the Rudolph mantle. I will have to show it to Drew, he loves Rudolph!
WOW....it looks beautiful. In the first photo of the table set for dinner I was going to comment on no bottles on the table bUT then I saw the HORROR of the other photo with a can of coke and a ketchup bottle;) LOL!
Looks like a cozy and happy family Christmas. Harry wants to come watch Hockey Boy play in a few weeks. He and Dave went to an Aeros game the other night and now he is all into hockey.
What an absolutely beautiful place for your entire family to spend Christmas. Everyone looks so happy to be together!
I invite you to take a peek at two of my recent blog posts: Christmas Eve (see if you can spot OUR ketchup bottle!) and Meet My Husband - Part I (you will see that you and I have just a little something in common concerning people we love...).
Wow, Eloise. This almost makes us feel we were there. Thanks for all the pictures of the family, of the snow, of the elk, and of the house and yard. We love you all, and hope and pray that you have a wonderful New Year, Uncle Terry and Aunt Paula
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