We had a fabulous time in Hawaii (thanks for all the well wishes), but reentry has been a little difficult. See if these pictures give you a clue as to why!

Last pictures taken in Hawaii: view from our room

Another angle of the view from our room

View from our house the morning after we got home

Another angle showing the gate across our driveway

And yet another view, this one of the front of our house
Are you getting the picture? Do you remember the song from Sesame Street "One of these things is not like the other"?
For the first day of spring in Dallas, this was a lot of snow to fall in one night. I'm happy to report that this unexpected snow was gone within 24 hours, but alas, I retain the definite feeling that we're not in Hawaii anymore!
More pictures and details coming soon
I bet that was a shock...heck, it was a shock to us here in Dallas too..Friday it was 75 and Saturday snow! As they always say, if you don't like Texas weather, just wait a minute and it will change!! Can't wait to see your photos and how did Miss Vivian enjoy her week?
Welcome back to Spring in Texas!
Welcome home! Hope you absorbed enough warmth and sunshine in Hawaii to compensate.
A few years ago we were in FL in February. There was a snowstorm back in Milwaukee that delayed our flight (fortunately only hours,not days like some people). We got home after midnight and there was about a foot of snow on the ground. I had flip flops on because I was going to change my shoes at the airport when we got in, but my luggage wasn't there. Greg had to shovel a little path for me and the boys to walk through the driveway. It was crazy!
Hope you had an awesome time (I'm sure you did!)
Big shocker! I think you've almost had more snow in Dallas this year than we did in Detroit!
Welcome home!
Oh wow! What a difference! Hawaii looked beautiful!
Welcome home...yes..Dave KAte and H were in Dallas Saturday but they got out just before the snow:)
I cannot wait to see all of your beautiful photos. I have MAJOR vacation envy over here.
Reentry is always so difficult. And even though mentally you KNOW it's cold and snowy at home, it's just hard to imagine it when you are sitting in that sweet balmy Hawaiian air. We're heading back with the family again this year for Thanksgiving...Wailea area on Maui. Where did you go?
Sunday's snow was certainly a surprise! Today's weather may be a little more comparable to Hawaii's. Not sure where to find a comparable scene locally. Enjoy the memories, and welcome home!
Welcome Home!
It could always be worse. Last year we spent the first day of spring in Memphis, only to receive a phone call from a neighbor saying, "We've had an unexpected warm snap, you'd better get home." Home we flew, to find a pile of sandbags chest deep in our driveway and and the Red River rapidly approaching our backdoor. Trust me on this...being from Fargo, I know...it's easier to shovel snow than bail water!
Pretty harsh reentry to reality... I'm glad you had a good time ;)
Cannot wait to hear more about Hawaii!!! Highlight? Lowpoint?
What a "Welcome Home" you got!
Our friends who moved to Dallas recently posted photos of the snow. Meanwhile in Louisville we had 70 degree weather. Go figure! Hope you had a great time in Hawaii!
Your pictures of Hawaii are absolutely breathtaking. I can't wait to hear about your vacation. I want to live vicariously through you for a little bit! :)
Crazy!!! Uh, where is Al Gore when you need him. LOL
We still have chilly weather after a beautiful Saturday with highs in the 70s. Oh Spring, where art thou?!?!
How did Vivian like Hawaii?
Ha! I bet that the snow was a shocker coming home from Hawaii! I've never seen anything the snow in TX and in March! You never know what the weather will be like there! Can't wait to see more vaca pics!
When we lived in Dallas, we never had snow! Wow! I can't believe you had snow on the first day of spring. That is just wild! I wonder if you know any of our Dallas friends. Their children attend Providence. Your Hawaii vacation sounds FABULOUS!!!! We honeymooned at the Four SEasons Maui. Where do you all go? I miss Mi Cocina!
Sounds you all had a great vacation! But the snow is also so beautiful...
I enjoyed so much seeing your blog!
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