My mother sent me these pictures in an email. As a lover of history and a bona fide Anglophile (not to mention someone who was certain as a child that she had royal blood), I found them absolutely fascinating.
Long live the Queen, indeed!
Love her ball gown! (And it goes without saying that Jackie looks fabulous)
Can you spot who's missing?
A wee bit of Googling indicates that LBJ and Queen Elizabeth II never met.
Recently, I was watching a rerun of the BBC/PBS documentary about the Windors and it featured Queen Elizabeth's visit with President Bush, as well as her trip to the Kentucky Derby. I was fascinated with watching the behind-the-scenes prep that went into preparing the White House for her arrival, as well as the British Embassy. It mentioned the many presidents she had met.
I love this post! I especially like the photo of her with Ronald Reagan. She looks so very serious and he looks like he's about to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard :)
I have been reading your blog for a while now, but am commenting for the first time. I love this post. I love to watch documentaries on the royal family. These photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Married since 1987 to Robert, three grown kids: Will, Vivian, and Dots, one granddaughter: Charlotte ~~~~
Majored in mathematics at SMU, taught elementary school for six years before Will was born, currently tutoring math ~~~~
Things I enjoy: playing duplicate bridge, working NY Times crossword puzzles, reading good books, entertaining, visiting with friends, planning trips, traveling, playing board games, spending time with family, working Liberty jigsaw puzzles, cooking, keeping up with old friends ~~~ happy to correspond with other parents about raising a child with special needs
I unintentionally contaminated all of the pictures on my blog when I changed my privacy settings on Flickr. I am working backwards to correct them all, but it is quite a tedious procedure! If you encounter a post with error messages from Flickr where the pictures should be, then I haven't gotten to that post yet. Please let me know and I will update it immediately. Thanks for your patience!
Recently, I was watching a rerun of the BBC/PBS documentary about the Windors and it featured Queen Elizabeth's visit with President Bush, as well as her trip to the Kentucky Derby. I was fascinated with watching the behind-the-scenes prep that went into preparing the White House for her arrival, as well as the British Embassy. It mentioned the many presidents she had met.
My mother sent me this email a while back too- I just loved it! Delightful post!!!
I love this post! I especially like the photo of her with Ronald Reagan. She looks so very serious and he looks like he's about to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard :)
Hi Eloise
I have been reading your blog for a while now, but am commenting for the first time. I love this post. I love to watch documentaries on the royal family. These photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing!
How lovely she is... all through the years.
Oh, I FINALLY emailed you the cornbread recipe. I have been crazy lately. It is very easy and I bet Vivian could help you with it!
That's amazing! She is so graceful and poised.
President Johnson is missing... but since he was not an elected official perhaps that is why?
Thank you for stopping by. This was fun and I also think the photo of President Reagan is the best. Talk about capturing the true essence of the man!
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