I received this email from Vivian's teacher last week. Robert and I got the biggest kick out of it! Now her teacher reports that Vivian is dismissed to go to art by herself each day (with her aide tailing her from a distance). This is a huge step toward our goal of more independence!
Just wanted to let you know Vivian "snuck" out of class today and yesterday. It was time for art class, and apparently the other students were not moving fast enough for her, so she left. She did tell everyone twice it was time to go and she did look back at Ms. Duncan and me through the small window in the door before she left, so maybe sneak is not exactly the right word. LOL Anyway, I followed Vivian at a distance and she walked to the art room, entered, sat down and began working. I was very impressed at her maneuvering the hallway, it was crowded with other 7th/8th graders going to class.
Wasn't it last year you received the notice of her failing art? Now we can't keep her from going. I love it!

My happy, if sneaky, artist
YAY she is excited about and loving art this year!!! What a big step!
So precious. I think your post about your "sneaky girl" are my favorites!!
I love Vivian's choice of paint color! Hooray for this huge and happy step!
How awesome!
That is so great! Gaining more independence and developing a love for art - how wonderful!
Vivian ROCKS! Independence and art...life just can't get better than that!
Love that last photo...she is so happy! Go Miss Independence!
These posts about your girl, just makes me happy! She is an amazing girl!
What a sweet girl! I am so happy so is embracing independence!
Awesome! Your "sneaky" little artist is just precious!!
Vivian looks so happy in the pictures! I love her polka dot pants......cute.
Yay! I just love seeing Vivian's happy face. So glad she's found an activity that brings her joy.
So precious! That's awesome that she's found a hobby and is gaining independence, such big steps!!
What a wonderful email from Vivian's teacher! I love that story... and her growing independence and comfort level.
That is GREAT that Vivian loves art. I love that she sneaks to the class to be on time:)
A happy, sneaky artist that loves orange. What a girl you have.
What a happy smile on Vivian's sweet face! Love it!
Love it!!!
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