Beautiful rainbow (photo taken by my mother-in-law on her morning walk)

Armed with my NY Times crossword puzzle - ready for a day at the pool!

Robert and his mother

Humpback whale splashing just out from our beach! It's awfully hard to get a good picture, but we saw a lot of whale sprays, tail slaps and even an occasional out-of-the-water breach. The humpback whales migrate from Alaska to the warm waters off Hawaii this time of year to have their babies

Dorothy and her friend Katie reading by the pool

Looking across the pool and out to the ocean

"Don't look now, but my annoying mother is trying to take a picture of the boys table at Happy Hour."

Adults at Happy Hour, with the boys table to the left (at this point we were also joined by three more friends from Dallas)

Hockey Boy, Jeffrey, Hockey Boy's good friend from Dallas Robert, Robert's dad John, my husband (also Robert) and me after Happy Hour. Hockey Boy's friend has just figured out that his dad was pulling his leg when he told him that the drinking age in Hawaii was 18

Sunset from our room
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your memories of a wonderful trip
Still jealous... lol
I love the rainbow in the first picture. That's so cool that you got to see the whales. :)
The picture of the rainbow is goregous. I love rainbows. Thanks for sharing!
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