Looking out our dining room window towards our neighbors' side yard

What does Tucker see?

Why, it's his best buddy Dutch who lives next door! As soon as Dutch is let outside, he runs to his gate and barks toward our window. Tucker can hear him from anywhere in our house and promptly runs to the window and begins to whimper...

...until I call Dutch's mom to see if Tucker can come over for a *play date*

And they're off!

Aren't friends the best?! (Tucker, center, with Dutch and Dutch's brother, JJ, who also lives on our block)

(left to right: Dutch, JJ, Tucker and Coco)
is just too darn cute for words! What a lucky doggie to have so many friends nearby!
Aww, that is too cute! Love those faces!
Cute, cute, cute! Spencer wishes he had a neighborhood of Cavaliers to play with. Good thing we have our monthly outing with other DC pups tomorrow. I hope you have a great weekend!
They are so cute! I love the pictures of them looking for each other.
Eloise, thank you so much for sharing those great photos! The dogs are so sweet together. Dutch & Tucker are lucky to be next door neighbors! :)
- Nancy (Dutch & Coco's mom)
There must be something wrong with your camera...Tucker's tail is always out of focus ;-)
This is too sweet!!!
This post absolutely melted my heart!! Thank you for sharing!! Such sweet puppies!!
Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing ever! I want a cute doggie like that :)
Eloise, just darling! Such pretty dogs. Thanks for the photos...I have a smile on my face right now!
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Such great pictures.
I love all of the Cavaliers together! They are the sweetest dogs in the world!
They are adorable. I want a King Charles really bad, but have a house full right now, so I hope for one someday soon.
How sweet is your dog? So precious that he gets to have such fun doggy play dates!
That is so so sweet. Have you seen/read the children's book unlovable? This reminds me of it.
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