Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Luncheon a la Lilly!


Last week I hosted my Cooking Club here. I set my table using a Lilly Pulitzer theme.

I bought Lilly fabric on eBay and had a runner made. I didn't arrange for my azaleas outside the dining room windows to be in bloom, but they made for a nice touch!

Heirloom tomato salad - beautiful presentation in addition to being delicious

Karey puts the finishing touches on her Cucumber-Avocado Soup

Cooking Club friends serve their plates

I prepared the main course of Southwestern Shrimp and Grits. Quite tasty though not as nice a presentation as the salad

**Notice the box of Lilly kitchen matches at the top of each place setting. Those were my party favors.**

Me with my friend Ellen

Dessert was Blackberry Shortbread Crumble - it was fabulous!

All recipes from from our current cookbook, Peace Meals, by the Junior League of Houston.


JMW said...

What a gorgeous party! Love the Lilly theme. And, the soup that your friend was preparing sounds delicious!

Jan M said...

Yum! Everything looks delicious! Your table and place settings are perfect!

LeighAnne said...

I love the Lilly theme. Everything was just perfect and you looked so cute in your Lilly shirt! :)

JoAnn said...

G O R G E O U S !!!!

I especially love the centerpiece ...wonderful flowers. Did you use your wax "vase"?

Would love the tomato salad recipe.


3 Peanuts said...

Looks like a lovely luncheon. You are such an inspirational entertainer.

AnnieMac said...

Wow! The decor was beautiful, and the food looked delicious.

Whitney and the Preppy Puppies said...

Everything looks wonderful! xo xo, Whitney

Christie said...

You are a classy lady, my friend...this is beautiful as is all your attention to detail


Hopsy said...

LOVELY! Of course I just LOVE it all! Your china is a favorite of mine too. Is it Countryware by Wedgewood? What a shame that it has been discountinues as it was a staple to so many. FABULOUS lunch Eloise!!!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Looks like a fun and fresh party....recipes???

Ruby's Fairy Godmother said...

What a beautiful table and a lovely meal! You always have such pretty tables and food!

bevy said...

Beautiful set up! My favorite part of your table are the little Herand figurines... love my cats!!!

Also love the white china. My everyday is also Wedegewood, Nantucket though!

Maggie said...

Lovely! I can almost taste the dessert.

Sherrie said...

You throw the best dinner parties Eloise. Everything looks amazing.

Kim said...

So pretty! What a fun group.

Jenny said...

Your table looked absolutely lovely! What a great idea for a theme!

Anonymous said...

what great, vibrant spring colors in this post. I just like scrolling up and down :)

Jessica Ryan said...

Lovely!!! Everything looks so wonderful and delicious!

The Mrs. said...

How I wish I could be in your cooking club! Divine! Happy Mothers Day! Thinking of you!! xoxo

Jo said...

What a lovely luncheon. Your decor is so bright and beautiful. The menu sounds delicious! You look so pretty in your Lilly.


The Hayden Family said...

your table is grand! from the flowers to the herend animals....it's so pretty that i wouldn't want to put my napkin in my lap!

the food looks amazing! you do such fun things...you inspire me!

Sara said...

What a lovely party! I would love to join a cooking club. How did you all get yours started?

Great to meet you on Tuesday night.

Anonymous said...

It all looks so delicious; I'll have to get that cookbook! You entertain beautifully! It was so great getting to meet you last night at the blog gathering! I hope we'll do it again soon!

Anonymous said...

The Blackberry Shortbread Crumble looks absolutely delicious!! What a beautiful party. <3

Nishant said...

What a gorgeous party!
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