Vivian's class recently visited a local barn that specializes in therapeutic horseback riding. Her teacher sent these cute pictures and reported that Vivian really liked the horses, so I'm going to look into signing her up for some classes this summer. Hopefully that will go over better than the aquatic therapy we tried last summer (I abandoned this after our third visit because it was just too stressful trying to get a highly reluctant Vivian into her swimming suit, into and out of the car, into the facility and into the water!).

Isn't this sweet of the horse resting its head on Vivian's?
That's a priceless photo! Thanks so much for your kind words, Eloise. I really appreciate you. xx
Horses! What a wonderful idea! Please keep us posted about the classes...
LOVE the picture. What a sweetie.
Love that photo!
Oh, and working diligently on the belt! Getting ready to read your old post on Robert's belt... Bet it's gorgeous.
I love the picture. xo xo
How ADORABLE! I know she will love riding horses!
Vivan posts are my favorite.I really hope the horse classes work out for you. :) She is just too precious Eloise.
Love the photo! Vivian may connect with the horses and do very well. Keep us posted!
Love that photo...so sweet. Has Vivian seen it?
I just saw a show on PBS called Horse Boy that was about theraputic horse riding - starting with horses on their farm in Texas and then this family took their autistic son to MONGOLIA!!! to see shamans and ride horses. A bit extreme, but he was a different child on a horse. They now have a foundation and run a riding place near Austin.
So sweet Eloise! Horses are so magical I think! They seem to know just what children need. What a great idea. Vivian is so blessed! You are wonderful parents! Hope you're well!
What a fun field trip. Great photo. :)
What wonderful photo of the horse resting its head on Vivian's head...that is so cute...thats one to frame for sure. I hope she enjoys the classes. I have heard of this before and it has all been very positive. Please keep us posted!
I was recently reading about Take Flight Farms in Nebraska. They use horses in many areas of therapy. The animal-human connection is an important one. Love the photo!
I love equine therapy! Hope she does too!
OH!! Is this EQUEST? They do a summer camp and JLD helps with it!! You should of course sign Vivian up!
That is so sweet! We have horse therapy programs like that here in Kentucky and they are amazing. It's so wonderful to see what it does for the children and adults who participate. Keep us posted if you sign Vivian up - would love to her about it!
Have I mentioned how much I love your sweet Vivian posts? I do!
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