With the 'Bun Lady' backstage before the recital

Tap routine to Queen's Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Dots is on the far left

Jazz number: Rockstar. Dots is second from the right on the front row (I think!)

Dots backstage with her longtime friend Caroline before her ballet piece

Ballet routine to Copland's Rodeo. Even though Dots (in the center on the first row) disliked this costume, the dance was beautiful

Final pose for Rodeo (Dots is third from the left)

After the show with flowers from Dad
Eloise she is so beautiful! Your pictures turned out gorgeous too, those costumes look great on stage. Congratulations to your little ballerina!! Enjoy your weekend xox
Looks like a lovely show and Dots is a beauty.
That costume...well, let's say that I agree with Dots. Ug-Lee....and I bet it was expensive!
Love Copeland's Rodeo! Dots is just lovely and I know you were all so proud of her!
How fun! My daughters took dance from the time they were three but somehow all of them managed to quit before they were teenagers. They moved on to sports they enjoy more, but I sure do miss those recitals :)
Looks like a lovely recital. Dots is obviously very poised.
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