Elementary reunion the week of graduation

Hockey Boy with friends at the Senior Picnic

Robert, his mom, Dots, my parents and me on our way to graduation

School bagpipers welcome everyone to the ceremony

Hockey Boy (in the group on the right, second from top) enters the arena!

The graduating class

Hockey Boy receives his diploma!

The graduate with his family after the ceremony
Graduation Week was indeed busy!
The elementary reunion that I co-chaired went really well. We had a great turnout of teachers and kids, and everyone seemed to enjoy visiting and catching up.
The graduation ceremony itself was very nice and moved pretty quickly considering there were 400+ graduates receiving diplomas.
Afterward Robert and I helped at the all-night party at a nearby country club. Hockey Boy might well have died of embarrassment had I pulled out my camera then so I don't have any pictures, but it was a lot of fun. Robert worked as a dealer at a blackjack table while I checked kids in and out of the party (we gave them a bracelet at check-in that we cut off when they left, and once they left they weren't allowed to return). In addition to a lot of fun games, music and activities, the all-night party featured the giveaway of some great prizes, the value and frequency of which increased as the night went on. The kids were all very excited and seemed to have a great time at the party. When Robert and I left around 2, I'd venture that more than 90% of the kids were still there.
After graduation we had Dots's dance recital, and then the girls and I left to drive to North Carolina to take Dots to camp. Pictures of those events coming soon! I'm looking forward to catching up on my blog reading and commenting too.
I love your blue dress! We had an after graduation party like that and my dad was a dealer too.
By the way, you won a flip n tumble bag on my blog...
Congrats to your son on his graduation! I'm sure you and your husband are so proud!
Don't the years just seem to fly by and all of a sudden they are graduating?
Sounds like a fun week for all!
This will be the shortest summer vacation of Will's life, so enjoy every minute! It seemed that as soon as the graduation ceremony was over, it was time to pack for college. BOO HOO
Great shots of the graduation!
Looks like it was a great week! I wish we did something here like that after grad party...sounds like a great time. Here, kids just go to random parties all day and into the night, since our graduation is first thing in the morning.
We've already been to orientation at Ole Miss, so J3 is mentally checked out. He would've been perfectly happy to stay there! Where is your son going to college? Our girls both went to Georgia Tech, so this is really the first one who will be "away"...5 1/2 hrs.
Congratulations Hockey boy! You capture his graduation perfectly. Love your blue dress too!
Congratulations to Hockey Boy and to all the family!
Congratulations on this milestone in the life of your family!
What a wonderful day for all of you! I know that the days and years will continue to get shorter and shorter that older my boys get. S even bemoaned that this year. He hated that fifth grade was over...
Oh, and BTW... the buttheads have returned to their normal nice selves!
Congrats to Hockey Boy! I love the fact that there was an elementary reunion!
Looking forward to seeing pictures of Dot's recital and your trip!
So great! Congrats to all of you. Our high school colors are orange and blue too! Your dress is perfect--- you look so fabulous!
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