Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Morning - Vivian Update

This is from Marian again. I just spoke with Eloise. Vivian had a good night and is still stable. Her organs are all functioning as they should. She is still on the ventilator and sedated, as they want her to be. They have her on antiobiotics, but have not received any information from the spinal tap they did yesterday. Her temperature is normal, which is very good news. The doctors have told them they could be in there from 4 days to multiple weeks, depending on how Vivi responds. Eloise and Robert appreciate the messages of prayer, support and love. I will post again later.


Sara said...

Adding sweet Vivian and her doctors to our prayer list.

Dianne said...

This story has broken my heart. I am praying for her each day. God bless this entire family and give them the needed strengrh to get through this crisis. Thank you for keeping us posted. I have followed this blog for awhile but never commented.

JoAnn said...

Marian, thank you for keeping Eloise's friends informed. My love to all of you.

Jan M said...

Thank you for the update. Vivian, Eloise, Robert and all of their family have been on my heart and in my prayers.

Tami said...

I will continue to pray for Vivian and her family. Thanks for the updates, Marian.

Romans 12:12

Maggie said...

Still praying and will continue to do so. I'll put Vivian on our church prayer list as well.

Unknown said...

Marian, thanks for the updates, I have been taking care of Vivian when Eloise is with my mother, so I have been getting small updates from my mother. This breaks my heart, as through caring for Vivian and knowing her and her family. Thank you so much for the updates, I have been so worried about Vivian, and as I told her mother, if she needs any help with Dot or Tucker or needs dinner brought to the kids or any help, I'm here and available, and please take my help! Anything I can do let me know, I only live a few blocks away!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Marian for the updates. Please let Eloise and Robert know that they, Vivian,a dn her caretakers will continue to be in our prayers.

Sherrie said...

Oh Eloise I am so sorry to hear about Vivian. I will be keeping her and all of you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I lived near you and could come give you a hug in person. I will pray for a pain free recovery for Vivian. God bless.

Erin said...

Eloise! I am so sad for you all! I am praying so hard that Vivian continues to improve. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in God. I believe in miracles. My heart is with you all.

Anonymous said...

Eloise, we are praying for you entire family right now, and hope that Vivi will have a swift recovery.

3 Peanuts said...

Oh my....I did not now all of tis was going on Eloise!! Will also had surgery this week and I was not on the blogs. I am on my knees praying for sweet Vivi and your family. Thank you for the updates. All our love,
Kim and family.