This is Eloise. I came home tonight to try to get a good night's sleep and instead I'm on the computer.
I wanted to post a quick update here. So many of you have been so supportive and encouraging about Vivian, and I truly appreciate every kind comment left here and every prayer uttered on her behalf.
As you might guess, my heart is breaking right now and I am exhausted, both mentally and physically. I need to go to bed so I am going to paste the contents of an email that I just sent to family and friends.
This has been such a crazy week. I apologize to those of you for whom this is the first you've heard about Vivian as well as to those for whom this is repeat information. This experience has been more than a bit overwhelming, and not being able to use my cell phone in the ICU has limited my ability to communicate, not to mention I can hardly keep a thought straight. Additional apologies to those in the medical field for any errors in my explanations.
A quick recap: On Tuesday, Vivian's 16th birthday, she fell during the night, likely in an off-balance episode following a seizure, and broke her upper left arm pretty badly. She had surgery Wednesday afternoon where it took seven screws and a plate to put her little arm back together again. The surgery went well and we came home Thursday. Friday around 5 a.m. Robert and I awoke to the sound of Vivian falling in her room. We rushed in and found her stumbling around and quite agitated. We were able to get her back to sleep, but when she awakened later in the morning, she was even more agitated and violent and required constant restraint to keep her from injuring herself. We gave her more pain medicine and several Tranxene (a medication similar to Valium that we use to relax her when she has cluster seizures), but we were unable to calm her down. At some point she spiked a fever and we decided to call an ambulance because I didn't see any way we were going to be able to calm her down enough to get her into the car and take her to the doctor (we even had two wonderful neighbors helping at this point). When we got to the hospital, Vivian's fever was over 107 and she was having trouble breathing. They very quickly sent Robert and me to the waiting room and put Vivian on a ventilator and wrapped her in some sort of cooling blanket. Soon afterward they transferred her to the Pediatric ICU. We hope to get some lab work back in the next day or two that shows what is making Vivian septic so that her doctors can target it with a specific antibiotic. Her spinal tap was clear so they have ruled out meningitis. She does have pneumonia in both lungs.
The doctor told us in her update today that she expects Vivian to be in the hospital no less than two weeks. Vivian is still on the ventilator and is resting peacefully. Their main concern right now is something called rhabdomyolysis. Vivian's high fever evidently caused muscle breakdown, and it is very stressful for the kidneys to filter all of the damaged muscle cells out of her body. They are giving Vivian lots of IV fluids to try to help her kidneys flush everything out and they are monitoring her kidney function very closely for signs of renal failure. Vivian's blood pressure was very low yesterday, but that seems to be better today. Her lungs are also showing improvement, though she still has pneumonia.
We are very pleased with the fabulous level of care that Vivian has received at the hospital. Her nurses and doctors are very loving and professional and patiently explain things to Robert and me.
We have a wonderful circle of family and friends who have been tending to us in the hospital and to Will and Dorothy at home. We would sincerely appreciate everyone's prayers for healing and comfort for Vivian and for a sense of peace for Robert and me.
Robert and I have been greatly buoyed by your many prayers and kind expressions of support. My sister Marian is trying to keep my Facebook status and blog (www.weaselsjourney.com) updated. I will also try to email updates as I can. Please feel free to forward my emails to anyone who might be interested. We believe in the power of prayer and think the more prayers being sent up on Vivian's behalf the better.
Love, Eloise
I'm praying for Vivian's recovery and for your family.
Many kind thoughts being sent your way.
Praying for Vivian and for you all. I hope you were able to get a bit of rest.
Eloise, I am praying for your precious Vivian. May the Great Physician heal her and give you strength.
Prayers of healing continue for Vivian's body and your heart. I also pray that you were finally able to get at least a few moments of sleep.
May each day bring Vivian one step closer to renewed health, and back home to you, Robert and her siblings.
Praying for all of you...hugs, Sharon
Oh Eloise, I'm so sorry. Vivan has been in my thoughts, as have you, Robert, Dots, and Hockey Boy.
Eloise, Through these past few days you have all been on my mind. I am continually praying for Vivian, for you and your family by name, and finally for the doctors and staff. Thank you for keeping us so updated. I know Vivian's heavenly Father is right here in her room. I continue to pray that you all feel His loving arms...
Eloise, you know our family has experienced the power of prayer, medical miracles, and angels. In fact, my grandbabies and I probably sent a couple of guardian angels into early retirement! So be assured that you, Vivian, Robert, Will, and Dorothy will be in our prayers.
Oh! My heart is breaking for you and Vivian. I pray she will be home and safe as soon as possible. Be strong,
We are praying for you and passing on a prayer request to our church and loved ones. You are clearly an amazing source of strength for your family and a wonderful mother. God bless.
I am continuing to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope Vivian is feeling better soon. I will think of her often and keep her in my prayers.
Be well.
We're praying for Vivian's speedy recovery and for y'all, as well.
I am continuing to pray for Vivian as well as you and your family. That sweet girl is on my mind a lot and I pray for her every time I think of her. Hugs from upstate New York.
Eloise, I also believe in the power of prayer!!! With that, please know that I am praying for you,Robert, Hockey boy and Dots, as well as Vivian. I am also praying for her medical team as they work with her.
If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to contact me...I live very close and will be happy to do anything for you all.
Sending lots more thoughts and prayers your way!
Still praying and thinking of all of you.
I am sure you and Robert are worried and exhausted. I know God is watching over your precious family. We will be praying for the doctors and for your family. Please let us help you if we can.
Sherry and Dennis
Romans 8:28
Our family is praying for the doctors and for you all. I know that God is watching over your precious Vivian and your family. Please let us know how we can best help you!
Sherry and Dennis
Romans 8:28
Please know that I am praying for Vivian. Also, I will lift up you, Robert, and the rest of your family.
Thinking of you all.
Eloise. I have no idea how you must feel. But please know that I have come to love both you and Vivian through our blogs and want you to know that your family is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Know that you are loved!
I cannot imagine what your family is going through. My heart breaks reading this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dearest Eloise and Robert, Eric and I are praying for your and Vivian's strength. This has to be such a trying time for all of you. Rest your burdens on the Lord, he will give you the strength you need to get through this tuff time. We love you.
Hopsy just updated me on Vivian. I will be praying for her and the rest of you. I will also get her on my prayer list here in Delhi. Some international prayers will help! Sending you a BIG HUG!!
Latest news sounds very encouraging, Eloise. We are so pleased the numbers are going in the right direction, and pray the trend continues. Glad you were able to go with Will today. We hope he was able to bask in the glow of TCU's fine showing at the CWS.
My heart is breaking for you and Vivian... I am so sorry you are having to still go through this. You have my heartfelt prayers for a thorough and speedy recovery. I hope by the time I have posted this she is doing remarkably better.
I saw your post that she had broken her arm and have been off of my computer since then. I am so sorry and am keeping your sweet girl and your family in my prayers!
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