Vivian's ventilator (center). On the left is a machine that hooks up to a vest wrapped around Vivian's chest and shakes her for 15 minutes, eight times a day. "The Vest" (how's that for a creative brand name) supposedly knocks the gunk off the walls of Vivian's lungs and makes it easier to suction out. Robert compares it to the fat jiggling machines from the 50's
Although I did not have the quiet interlude by Vivian's bed that I was hoping for, today was a very good day for Vivian.
We had a scary episode this morning when Vivian's blood pressure numbers plummeted and a cadre of three nurses and Dr. Matson materialized out of nowhere and began scurrying around attending to Vivian while Robert and I sat agape in our tiny crowded corner of the room. Most likely Vivian's arterial line that gives a constant measure of her blood pressure became kinked or clotted and was thus providing false pressures because Vivian's blood pressure numbers returned to normal quickly when they adjusted and flushed the line. They will monitor Vivian's blood pressure closely just to be sure this was indeed the case. We also experienced multiple episodes today where Vivian started to wake up and thrash and pull at her myriad tubes and wires. Robert and I helped restrain Vivian while the nurse administered more of a Valium-type medicine to little avail (shades of last Friday). We finally were successful in quieting her down, and I think the ICU staff realized the necessity of keeping Vivian sedated until she is off the ventilator. On the bright side we were glad to see Vivian's spunk and determination peeking through her swollen little body. Robert and I are counting on that spirit of hers to help pull her through this.
Several causes for praise today! We had a very positive meeting with Dr. Matson this afternoon. He showed us Vivian's latest chest x-ray that, in his words, showed "material improvement." In the past twenty-four hours, Vivian's fluid input versus output was negative two-and-one-half liters. That is wonderful news and is very obviously having a positive effect on Vivian's lungs. Yesterday Vivian was showing signs of a yeast infection, a common side effect for someone taking antibiotics, but a very undesirable situation for a patient with pneumonia as the yeast can spread to the fluid in the lungs and cause a host of problems. Today, however, Vivian's lab results showed no trace of yeast. Hooray! Vivian's CPK numbers continued to drop, and her hemoglobin was improved if not yet optimal following yesterday's transfusion. All in all, a banner day for our sweet girl.
We are thankful for Vivian's progress and for God's provision for our family during this crisis. Dorothy (Dots) happily spent the day shopping at NorthPark with her grandmother. Will is working as a counselor in the Summer Splash day camp program at our church, and we are glad that in addition to keeping him busy during the day, his job wears him out and lets him sleep well at night.
Thank you again for your continued prayers for our family. Please know that I read and cherish each and every note, comment and email that you send, even if I am not able to respond individually. Robert and I thank God for the presence of each of you in our lives.
"Jesus said to him, 'Do not be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.'" Luke 8:50
Thanks be to God! Still praying.
Thinking of you every day, Eloise.
Thanks for keeping us updated. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Vivian is very lucky to have such a great family.
May God bless you and your family. You are all in my prayers.
I have been keeping up with you via Facebook, and wish you and your family all the best during this difficult time. Know that prayers are going up for you all from Macon.
Amanda (Gilpin) Upshaw
Fantastic news! I look forward to more updates of improvement :) Still praying, of course, and sending love and blessings your way from upstate New York.
I have been reading your updates and your family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.♥
Thanks be to God! Continued prayers.
I'm just catching up on blogs after our trip to California. I'm shocked to hear of your daughter. I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so happy to hear that Vivian is making some good progress. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers!
So happy to hear about such a good day for Vivian. I'm still praying...
Oh Eloise, I was so shocked to read about Vivian and what she is going through. I had not visited your blog in awhile and was floored to find out that our precious Vivian was so ill. I pray the fighting Vivian continues to gain control and her body begins to heal very quickly. Prayers for all from SE Alabama. (((HUGS))
Vivian and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers!
Thank you so much for the update. I am praying for all of you! I am ready willing and able to help meet any need you have!
Praise the Lord for a good day for Miss Vivian!
hang in there... we're all here with you and for you and waiting for good news!
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