Just a quick note to let you know how well Vivian is doing!
Last night Vivian slept GREAT. Marian reported that she never heard a peep from the room above hers - hooray! Vivian has completely rejected wearing diapers, and we have had no accidents, even during the night. Today Vivian sat up in bed and colored for an hour or more in her big Rudolph coloring book. Vivian colored Rudolph's nose purple, and when Marian asked her why, Vivian giggled and replied, "I'm so silly. I'm tricking you." Later in the afternoon Vivian sat at her computer and played on PBSKids.com for a little while. Tonight Robert helped Vivian walk downstairs and out to the backyard. She rode her tricycle around the driveway a couple of times and then walked holding our dog Tucker's leash through our gate and into the front yard. All of this was with assistance for balance, but these events represent enormous progress! We are elated with the extent and pace of Vivian's recovery.

Coloring with Aunt Mair
My sister, Marian, returned home to Georgia this afternoon. I was terribly sad for her to leave but deeply appreciate the week she took away from her family to be here with me. Marian was a tremendous help and comfort.
My friend Cynthia arrived from Mississippi just after Marian's departure. I was delighted to see her and look forward to having her here for a few days.

Playing on the computer
Praise God for the tangible improvement in Vivian's strength and balance. Praise Him that Vivian is sleeping longer and more peacefully. Praise Him that Vivian is enjoying her favorite activities again and that her funny little sense of humor has returned. Pray for Vivian to resume eating (I was not able to work with her on this today). Pray for healing for Vivian's arm.
Thank you for your continued kindness.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1

Laughing at Tucker

Hanging out with Daddyman and Mama

Riding her scooter outside
What an awesome report! We're praising God with you and continuing to pray!
Wow, this just goes to show how powerful prayer is and what God can do. Y'all have got AMAZING friends and family, you are extremely fortunate. You were very strong and faithful through all of this and what a wonderful out come. I can't wait to see Viv when school starts. See you soon Vivian.
Love and Prayers,
Janet Melton
I loved every word of this report! Praise God!
Oh man I love that smile! Praise the Lord for his healing, thus far!
Eloise, I am so thankful for your family and friends...having the extra help and support for you is wonderful!
Continuing to pray for Sweet Vivian and her complete healing!
Hooray for Vivian! What a fabulous report! I especially like the picture of you, Vivian and your husband ~ you look so happy :) Praise God for Vivian's remarkable progress!
It was a banner day...praise the Lord! She has made a superb recovery since returning home! Love & Hugs, Sharon
SO so happy to see these photos and read of her tremendous progress. Wonderful!!!!
Praises and prayers for continued improvement!!!
Loving the good news and photos of smiles! May God and our prayers continue to bless you and bring healing to Vivian.
Eloise - I am reading each day of the wonderful progress Vivian has made. We are leaving town for a week but just want you to know you and yours are still in our prayers. Thanks for sharing your life. We appreciate being able to feel a part of your experience without having to phone too often. Love, Sharon
What a blessing! To think where she was just a couple of weeks ago and to now see her riding her bike, using the computer and joking with you all is amazing! The many prayers have made such a difference and we'll continue to pray for Vivian. Great news!
So happy to see smiles on all your faces ~ especially Vivian’s! Answers to the prayers that have been sent your way during this long and difficult road.
Your pictures and your words made my heart soar! You all must feel such great joy and relief...I don't even "know" you all, but I felt that way! We will continue to have your family in our thoughts and prayers....sooooo happy for your entire family!
Lynn Schadler
Wyomissing, PA
She has come so far! How wonderful!
I am rejoicing today...this is such GREAT news. Vivian looks like her old self too:)
Amazing! What a wonderful day for all of you. Prayers are still going to the Father for continued blessings and improvements!!!
This post brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you Eloise... and I will continue to pray for you, Vivian and your family!
XOXO Jessica
Oh, Eloise! I'm elated to read this. I was so very worried for Vivian but it looks like prayers have been answered. I'm so glad she's doing better; it looks like she's improving in leaps and bounds. Your post has just made my week. I'm still praying for you and your family. Have a blessed weekend and give a hug to Vivian for me.
I am so happy to see you facing happiness again. Family moments are so precious and a proof of God presence into us.
Praise to the Lord and the author of our faith.
Psalms 125:2
all my loving,
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