Vivian's new boots. Not sure of the designer, but I'm betting they're quite exclusive and expensive
Between my allergic reaction to Cipro, Vivian's broken and arm and surgery, and this horrendous episode that landed our sweet girl in the ICU and on a ventilator, our family was thrilled to usher in a brand new month today! We are hopeful that July will be significantly calmer and less eventful.
Vivian's day was reasonably good. She was a little agitated this morning, even opened her eyes for a few moments but was MOST unhappy. The doctor tried a new sedative, chloral hydrate. He referred to it as an old drug - it's what they used in drinks when they would "slip someone a mickey." The chloral hydrate has worked really well. Vivian has been so settled and peaceful since its addition to her elaborate mix of medications.
Vivian's boots arrived from PT finally. They're bigger than I expected - similar to those walking casts that you can take on and off, except they're a pretty turquoise color. I'm sure they'll be a big hit when she wakes up - ha!
Robert and I met with Dr. Matson for another informative update on Vivian's condition late this afternoon. The human body is so amazingly complex and they are tracking so many things on our sweet little Vivian that the data can easily overwhelm my tired and rapidly aging mind. Know that Dr. Matson told us a lot more than this, but what I'm relaying to you is the extent of what I could even marginally understand and remember.
Vivian's chest x-ray was largely unchanged from yesterday. Last night Vivian's bicarbonate levels were elevated, and that necessitated a reduction in the amount of diuretics she was receiving. Consequently the amount of fluid being removed from her body reduced commensurately, and Vivian's lungs showed less improvement. We learned that at the crest of Vivian's fluid intake, she was positive 13 liters. Holy cow, no wonder she was so swollen! That number has been reduced by roughly one-third. Although the progress is slower, we are still moving in the right direction. Dr. Matson is hopeful that barring further complication, Vivian can be off the ventilator early next week.
Vivian ran a slight fever during the night (100.6). She shows no other sign of new infection and subsequent temperature readings have hovered around normal.
Realizing the need to pace ourselves for the weeks ahead, Robert and I have been spending the day with Vivian but then leaving and coming home for the evening. Dots likes to pick a place for us to go eat, and then we relax with her and Will (if he's around) at home for a bit before calling it a night. Tonight Dots had a sleepover with a friend, and Robert and I spent a most pleasant evening savoring margaritas on the patio at Taco Diner with good friends.
Your emails and comments are such a bright spot in my day. Thank you again for your prayers for sweet Vivian and for your love and encouragement to Robert and me. May God bless each one of you as much as He is using you to bless us.
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; he that keepeth thee will not slumber . Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil; he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." Psalm 121
(This is my favorite Psalm. I like the King James Version as the Reverend Mother quoted it to Maria in The Sound of Music.)
We are all still praying. What a reprieve it must have been to spend an evening with good friends at Taco Diner. I know you have a good support system in Dallas who can wrap their arms around you! What a month is right! May today be a little easier than yesterday!
Nancy told me about Vivian's high fever last weekend and sent me your website. I've been checking on her each day and praying for Vivian. The psalm you selected today is beautiful and comforting. Know that the Craggs are all praying for Vivian, for the doctors, and strength for all of your family.
Hugs to you,
Beverly (Cragg)
I'm still praying. Thank you for keeping us up to date.
What great news that Vivian seems be to holding steady. I am glad you and Robert were able to relax a bit. I am sure this has taken a toll of all of you. Hope Will and Dots are also holding up. You all continue to be in my prayers Eloise. Hugs from WI.
It's good to hear Vivian is resting comfortably and that you had a little rest time yourself! June was a rough month for you. But that's behind you now. Eloise, continue to look forward, and to live in the moment as you count each day's blessings, as Vivian continues to improve. You're blessed to have family and friends nearby to assist and support your family during this temporary challenge. Still praying in MO. xoxo
Glad to hear there's been some improvement. And, that you and Robert have had some time to decompress. Hope Dots and Will are doing well. Continuing to send prayers your way.
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