Robert, Vivian and her saint-of-a-nurse, Pam
What an exhausting day.
Vivian alternated between wakeful periods of agitation and peaceful interludes of sleep. The wakeful periods required that Robert or I lie next to Vivian and hold her hands and restrain her legs. The times of sleep demanded that we not move from our position next to her lest she awaken. When Vivian was awake Robert and I tried to sit her up and get her to interact with us, but that was maddeningly difficult and disheartening. Vivian could utter a word or two, but it took much prompting and waiting to elicit a response. On the bright side, Vivian understood much more than she was able to express. She even turned her head toward me and touched my cheek with her lips when I asked her to give me a kiss.
Vivian was able to swallow a few sips of ice water through a straw and she ate a single bite of yogurt. After that, though, she clamped her mouth shut as tightly as she could and shook her head "no" when we tried to get her to open up.
Trying to get Vivian into her stroller did not go very well. She was very, very wobbly when we try to sit her up and once we transferred her to the stroller, she arched her back and wouldn't sit in it, so we had to return her to the bed.
Robert reported that tonight he put Vivian's physical therapy boots on her feet for several hours. Vivian tolerated them while she slept, but when she woke up, she began grabbing at them and thrashing around. Robert asked her what was wrong, and Vivian replied, "Take them off!"
I don't know what to think at this point. I am alarmed by some of Vivian's behaviors but mildly encouraged by others. Progress with Vivian is always painfully slow, so I likely would not be as apprehensive about the pace of things if her doctors weren't so concerned. I am desperate to be out of that PICU, but I don't see how we could manage Vivian at home or in rehab if we don't get her agitation and unrest under control.
Please pray for comfort and peace for Vivian. Pray that Vivian's speech and motor skills would show marked improvement. Pray that the C. Diff infection in Vivian's GI tract would clear up. Pray for healing for Vivian's brain. Lastly ask God to continue to give Robert and me strength and peace that we might be equipped for the tasks ahead of us.
Thank you.
"Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me." Psalm 69:16
reading from afar, it does seem that she is making big improvements - saying no to her boots, kissing you. she seems so much more alert than before. keeping you all in our prayers and thoughts.
Y'all must be exhausted. My heart goes out to you and to the grandparents who ache while their child and grandchild go through such trials. May they know they have a kindred spirit. God bless all of you.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
Praying that God will grant you needed strength. 2 steps forward and 1 step back still puts you ahead. I am praying that you stay ahead. I am also praying for your other 2 children who are missing the normalcy of their lives.God bless you all and thank you for these updates.
Praying for you diligently. xoxo
Bless your heart. This has got to be so difficult. Your family is constantly in my prayers.
My son had C.Diff when he was about 2. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks, it was not a good time, however, that could explain why Vivi doesn't want to sit in her stroller. When my son had C. Diff he had severe diaper rash with it. Maybe she's uncomfortable. Just a thought.
God Bless.
Praying for you consistently! Love and hugs, Jenny
Eloise, I am continuing to pray for you and Robert...I pray you get the needed rest for your body as well as your mind. I pray the Lord prepare you no matter what, but I believe you are far more prepared than you think you are. I will continue to pray for Sweet Vivian. Pray for her lungs and her whole body and her brain. Sweet thing has been thru so much over the last few weeks. 16 has not been a kind year so far for Miss Vivian!
Please know I am here if you need anything at all!
Praying for you and your beautiful family...
Continuing to pray for Vivian's healing, as well as for strength for the entire family throughout the coming days.
Focus on those encouraging moments, no matter how few or fleeting. Your sweet Vivian is still there. In the meantime, prayers of healing and srength continue. I know you must be so very weary.
We'll keep sending the prayers your way. I've been checking in daily to see how Vivian and all of you are doing. There's not much I can say to make you feel better, but just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
May God go with you side by side , guiding you and giving you wisdom, strength and lots and lots of patience to go step by step .Still praying and wishing you the best.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him."
Just popping in for the update ~ I wish there was something more I could do for you all.
Continued thoughts and prayers for your sweet family.
I continue to think of Vivian, you and your entire family. You continue to amaze me by your unfailing grace and faith.
Take care
I just read your Weasel's Journey blog (after visiting my facebook) and read of your journey. Please know that Vivian, you and your family are in my thoughts and especially my prayers. Your strength and grace amaze me - your spirit and undying faith will see you through this. May God Bless.
Bless your sweet hearts! Please know that we are praying for you and your daughter. It must be so taxing on all of you. Whatever encouragement it offers, please know that there are countless people praying that God will send his comfort and healing.
Continuing to pray for all of you... XOXO
Prayers from the Leopardsnfor sweet Vivian!
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