Vivian, post-surgery, wearing her magical rinseless shampoo cap
The operating room was backed up, so Vivian didn't go into surgery until close to 6:15. The procedure went very well, and Vivian was back in her room around 7 o'clock (ICU patients bypass the recovery room). The surgeon elected to perform a more "durable" version of the surgery. I can't imagine what made him think that was necessary!
I'm a little concerned about how Vivian will do when she wakes up now that she's more aware of where she is. Please pray that Vivian will remain somewhat calm until we can go home and that she will not succeed in pulling out her PICC line or the new contraption in her stomach. Pray that Vivian's speech and oral motor skills continue to improve. Praise God for the miracles we have seen in Vivian. Her recovery thus far is truly a testament to the power of prayer.
Robert and I are so very grateful.
"Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does." Psalm 33:3-4
Wonderful update! She looks like sweet Vivian again with all her tubes out. I know it has got to feel better. It seems great strides have been made in the last 24 hours. May they continue. Praise God!
So glad the surgery is complete...will pray for peace for Vivian. She must be so confused by everything that is happening...indeed it is even from this side of it through the computer screen. But my prayers for you all are very real as is my concern and you will all remain in my thoughts in the coming days.
Bless you, bless you, bless you!
Prayers for sweet Vivian...prayers for healing. Blessings to all of you.
Our Heavenly Father,
Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank You that Your power is perfected in our weakness. Thank You that You are where our help comes from.
Father, I lift up Vivian to You now. I pray that You would envelope her with Your love. Strengthen her. Bless her with the peace and comfort that surpass all understanding. Jesus, You have assured us that in this world we will have trouble, but to take heart because You have overcome it. Teach us what that means as we walk through the trials of life. Help Vivian to keep her eyes focused on You and not the storms that swirl around her. Help her to abide in You.
Father, we are to enter your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. We are to give thanks in all circumstances. There are times in life when that can only be done by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help her Lord. Your word declares the plans You have for Vivian, plans for her welfare, not calamity, plans to give her a future and a hope. Your plans are always so much better than ours. Help her Lord to rest in that knowledge and to rest in You.
In Jesus' precious Name I pray.
Still praying and thinking of you and your sweet Vivian, Eloise. You and your family have been through so much these past few weeks and I am so thankful that you are nearing the end of Vivian's hospital stay. Sending hugs and prayers your way :)
Sending hugs and prayers your way! Things seem to be turning around. What's with the shower cap comment? I could have used one of those gizmo's when I was in the hospital recently!
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