Predictably, as Vivian reverts more to her former self, Robert and I are encouraged, but Vivian creates additional challenges for the PICU staff.
Vivian's hands are restrained, but last night she succeeded in using her teeth to pull her PICC line out of her upper arm. This was not good because the PICC line involved a bedside, sonogram-guided procedure under sedation to insert and Vivian needed the line to receive IV fluids and antibiotics. I have to credit Vivian for her resourcefulness, though! The night nurse put an IV in Vivian's hand as a temporary replacement, and the PICU doctor today, Dr. Wick, determined that the best longtime solution would be a port, which a surgeon will place under Vivian's skin on Monday.
Vivian was increasingly verbal today. The nurse reported that Vivian frequently requested to go home last night. Today Vivian told us she was hungry, and she exclaimed, "Help me!" several times as she struggled against her restraints.
The nurses and Robert lifted Vivian into her stroller this afternoon, and we walked her around the PICU "block." As we passed a book cart, I spied a copy of one of Vivian's favorites, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. I grabbed it for her, and the charge nurse, Ronelle, began to recite, "Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head." Vivian didn't seem to be paying any attention so Ronelle paused. All of a sudden we heard Vivian say, "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, 'No more monkeys jumping on the bed.'" We were ecstatically astounded! After we returned Vivian to her bed, she was exhausted from her brief outing, but I was able to capture a little bit of Vivian reciting the verse again on video.
Robert reported that Vivian was a bit restless this afternoon and kept requesting that he "buckle her seatbelt." Robert told me he leaned over her and pretended to buckle her in and that she then told him "thank you" and settled in for a few minutes before appealing for him to do it again.
Vivian is not happy about the tube in her stomach from yesterday's surgery (which I learned will not be replaced with a button for six weeks - ugh!). Right now she is restrained from being able to grab it, but we are going to have to figure out a new system if it's going to last that long; my mother suggested we tie a corset over it!
Please pray that Vivian's IV in her hand would remain in place and functional until we can get a port in place. Pray that Vivian would be less aware and more tolerant of the feeding tube in her abdomen. Pray that the incision from yesterday's procedure would heal and not cause Vivian pain and discomfort. Praise God for the truly amazing progress we have observed in the past couple of days and for the added strength and encouragement such gains have given Robert and me.
We appreciate each of you so much!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Welcome back Vivian! It's so good to hear your sweet voice again.
Continued prayers for all.
Happy to hear Vivian's voice! Always thinking about her and her family. Corset idea sounds like a winner!
Oh I just loved this post and the Bible verse you chose to use at the end is one of my favorites. Things are progressing so well, I feel joyful just reading about it. I can imagine how much better your whole family must feel. Welcome back sweet Vivian...we have missed you!
Still praying!
This made me cry. What a gift to hear that sweet little voice...but she looked SO tired!! When you look at where you've come from that hill ahead is nothing! Prayers and good wishes will continue here in PA.
I came to you from Monograms and Manicures a couple of weeks ago. I've been sending good wishes and prayers from California!
I am thrilled to see her back awake and returning to her old self again! That's a major prayer answered in itself. My prayers are still with you. I think about you often.
Wow, what good news. Keep up the good work precious Vivian. Eloise and Robert you have got amazing strength. I know when you don't think you have it in you, you still find more. This is great news. Praise God.
Love and Prayers,
Janet Melton
I have big tears in my eyes. Oh, Vivian, we are so glad to hear your precious voice again. So sorry you have to face another surgery on Monday. Eloise, thanks for sharing this with us. You have been so generous to share your most deepest and darkest moments with all the past few weeks. We are praying for you, Robert and especially Vivian. The world is a brighter place with this Angel in the world. (((Hugs))) ~Debbie K.
Max Lucado is one of my favorite writers, and This specific book , helped me a lot to face all circumstances of life.
Galations 5: 22
IT’S QUIET. It’s early. My coffee is hot. The sky is still black. The world is still asleep. The day is coming.
In a few moments the day will arrive. It will roar down the track with the rising of the sun. The stillness of the dawn will be exchanged for the noise of the day. The calm of solitude will be replaced by the pounding pace of the human race. The refuge of the early morning will be invaded by decisions to be made and deadlines to be met.
For the next twelve hours I will be exposed to the day’s demands. It is now that I must make a choice. Because of Calvary, I’m free to choose. And so I choose.
I choose love . . .
No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves.
I choose joy . . .
I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical . . . the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.
I choose peace . . .
I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.
I choose patience . . .
I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I’ll invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I will thank God for a moment to pray. Instead of clinching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.
I choose kindness . . .
I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.
I choose goodness . . .
I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I will accuse. I choose goodness.
I choose faithfulness . . .
Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My wife will not question my love. And my children will never fear that their father will not come home.
I choose gentleness . . .
Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.
I choose self-control . . .
I am a spiritual being. After this body is dead, my spirit will soar. I refuse to let what will rot, rule the eternal. I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I will be taught only by Christ. I choose self-control.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek his grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.
From When God Whispers Your Name
Copyright (Thomas Nelson, 1994) Max Lucado
So good to see her smiling!
What a fantastic post! It's so exciting to hear that Vivian is getting back to her "old" self! The prayers continue from our family to yours :)
Oh I love hearing her sweet voice. Vivi Lu seems so surrounded by love. Praying she can come home soon and all of the obstacles are overcome.
I am so glad to read that Vivian is doing so much better! We'll be praying for the specific things you've asked for. Have y'all read Five Little Monkey's Swinging from a Tree?
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