Will, Marian and Robert pose by the bed as Vivian tries to kick them
After a quiet night of sleep and rest, Vivian was subdued and a bit detached this morning. Denise, Vivian's physical therapist from when she was a little girl, stopped by, and we got Vivian up and in her stroller for a walk. Vivian didn't protest, but neither did she engage with her surroundings as well as she did yesterday. My sister Marian commented that she didn't think Vivian felt great this morning, that her legs were shaking as if she were still working through some withdrawal symptoms.
In the afternoon Robert brought Will up to the hospital to visit Vivian, and Vivian greeted Will with a kick. Welcome back, sweet Vivian! Robert conveyed that Vivian engaged and talked more as the day went on.

After she settled down from her not so affectionate welcome, Vivian held Will's hand
Vivian had a new x-ray taken of her left arm yesterday. An orthopedist met with Robert this afternoon and told him that the arm is healing well and that lots of new bone growth can be seen. This will make Vivian's arm stronger but will create a lot of stiffness that she will have to work through after her cast is removed. At this point we are not as concerned with the range of motion of Vivian's arm as we are with preventing the need for further surgery.
Tonight Vivian's wonderful aide, Mr. Kemp, and his wife, Cheryl, who helps with Vivian after school, visited Vivian in the hospital. Cheryl reported that Vivian recognized them and answered their questions appropriately. They had not seen Vivian in several weeks and were so pleased with how well she was doing.
My mom left this morning to return to Jackson Hole. I was certainly sorry to see her go but greatly appreciate all of her help and support the past two and a half weeks. We remarked to each other before she left how much better things were than when she arrived!
Praise God for His continued provisions for Vivian and our family. Please pray that Vivian's strength and balance would continue to improve as she gets out of bed and on her feet more. Pray that any remaining withdrawal symptoms would vanish before Vivian leaves the hospital. Pray that Vivian's doctors are able to determine the appropriate dosing for the Vancomycin (the IV antibiotic) that Vivian will receive for a few more weeks. Pray that if there is any infection in the bone or hardware in Vivian's arm, it would be addressed by this course of antibiotics. Pray for complete healing for Vivian's arm. Finally pray for a smooth transition home for Vivian.
Thank you for your tireless support and encouragement. We appreciate each of you very much!
"Thine, O Lord is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all." I Chronicles 29:11

Vivian watching Dora on the TV in her room this afternoon
I praise God with you over the good report that Vivian's arm is healing well and that she recognized Mr. Kemp and his wife and answered their questions appropriately! We're continuing to pray-- thanks so much for passing on specific requests. Love and hugs, Jenny
Wow, she looks great, just by looking at her picture tonight she looks like she feels soooo much better, praise the Lord and of course bless the Nurses and the Doctors for all their patients and love for her. I am sure they have gotten a little attached to precious Vivian (how could you not)
Eloise, when y'all get her home and you need me to watch her some don't hesitate to call on me to come sit with Vivian. Even if you just want to get out of the house.
Love and Prayers.
Janet Melton
The picture of Vivian holding Will's hand is so sweet. I know it must warm your heart to look at it. What a kind young gentleman you have raised. We are praying for all your petitions and KNOW they will all be answered to God's glory.
I just finished praying for Vivian, her medical team and your family ~ I really like that you let us know Vivian's specific prayer needs. I will continue to pray and will be thinking of y'all on the big day of homecoming tomorrow! I'm sure that precious girl will be so happy to be home and in her own surroundings... it makes me smile just to think of it :) Lots of prayers and hugs from upstate New York.
So happy to hear that Vivian continues to make progress. Prayers continue for her recovery and move back home.
I've been away for two weeks with horrific internet (ie close to none!!) so I haven't been able to check in... SO HAPPY to hear that things are improving. She looks wonderful! I will continue to pray for you, Vivian and the rest of your family. XOXO
Each day I come to read about you, I praise God for his eternal love and compassion to us. It is a joy to celebrate His grace and Vivian is a proof of God's grace.
We are winners in God's love.
all my loving ,
Psalms 136
God is good! Continued prayers for Vivian and your family from Missouri.xoxo
Vivian's countenance looks more peaceful everyday. More prayers coming for you!! xoxo
Vivian looks good. I know she will improve much quicker when she is home. The picture of her and Will brought tears to my eyes. I bet he is the best "Big Brother"!
Praying for a smooth transition from hospital to home. I know Vivian will be missed very much in the PICU. (((Hugs))) ~Debbie K.
I can only imagine how elated you all must feel about leaving PICU tomorrow. I hope all goes well so that the transition will be a smooth one, and that Vivian continues to improve at an amazing pace! My thoughts and prayers continue to focus on Vivian's recovery and for the family's strength through the next few days. Your faith remains a constant that buoys ME on my difficult days! Much love, Holly
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