Look at the darling cookies that my friend Bonnie MADE for Vivian!
We are so glad to have Vivian home! In some ways, though, I feel like I've traded intermittent periods of intense stress for continuous stretches of milder tension.
Vivian has not slept well since she's been home. Last night Vivian was particularly restless, though she didn't seem to be in pain. I don't think Vivian can get into a comfortable position with that huge cast on her arm, and she may also be used to people checking on her all the day and night in the ICU. I'm hopeful that Vivian's sleep habits will improve as she adjusts to being home.
Meanwhile poor Marian is attempting to rest in our guest bedroom which is regrettably located directly beneath Vivian's room. Marian refers to the experience as akin to slumbering in a bowling alley! (This was true even before the hospitalization as Vivian often gets up during the night and plays in her room.)
Vivian had a mild seizure earlier this evening. The nurse reported that it lasted about 45 seconds. Otherwise Vivian's health has been very good since returning home.
I have not yet been very successful in interesting Vivian in eating regular food. She will take a couple of bites of something and then began to say "No, thank you!" and cover her mouth. Her longtime speech therapist, Melinda, suggested that we move more of Vivian's g-button feedings to the evening so that she is hungrier during the day. I'm going to try that tomorrow. I am glad to know that in the meantime Vivian can receive sufficient calories and nutrition via her button.
Praise God for His faithfulness in providing for Vivian and our family. Praise Him for Vivian's miraculous recovery. Pray that any infection in Vivian's body would be wiped out by the course of antibiotics that continue for another three weeks. Pray that Vivian's left arm would heal and require no further surgery. Pray for Vivian's balance and strength to improve. Pray that Vivian's appetite returns. Ask God to grant patience and grace to all who care for Vivian daily.
My heart overflows with love and gratitude for each of you.
"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night." Psalm 92:1-2

Vivian after her nurse and I gave her a sponge bath and "washed" her hair (using rinse-free shampoo) tonight
Thank you for continuing to keep us updated and sharing specific prayer requests. We're praying for ALL of you! Love and hugs, Jenny
Keeping all of you in prayer as Vivian adjusts to being at home. It has to be difficult to sleep in that huge cast. She looks great though and I believe her appetite will pick up when she becomes more active. At least everyone is at home now in a more comfortable environment. Thanks for all the updates! (((Hugs))) ~Debbie K.
I'm so glad to hear that Vivian is home!!! Your friend was so sweet to make those amazing cookies! I hope Vivian will be interested in eating one :) I will continue to pray for Vivian, her caretakers and your family. Here's hoping for smooth sailing ahead!
oh YIP-EEE!!! I'm so sorry she is not sleeping well, but so very happy that she is home!!!!!
Of course we will keep the prayers coming... just as long as you keep the good news coming ;)!
Btw, If she is on meds for her pain most likely they are affecting her appetite... glad the button is offering nutrition.
I am so happy to hear that your dear Vivian is home! I know that her progress will move quickly now that she is in a familiar and comfortable setting.
Holding you all in prayer as Vivian continues her recovery at home. She's looking good!
While overjoyed that Vivian is home, the transition must be difficult on all of you. I can well imagine her sleep pattern is a little mixed up right now. She looks so much happier and more healthy, though! Continued prayers for all of you.
So glad to check in and see that Vivian is HOME!!! Those cookies are awesome!! I read back over the post I missed and my heart lept w/joy over each new update! The pics of her smiling just made my day. GOD IS GOOD! Your updates are filled w/so much inspiration and your pictures just brings the updates full circle. Vivian you are strong and courageous and I look forward to reading all about your day to day healing.
Praise God for His Mercy and Grace.
Delighted to hear that Vivian is home. Once she is back in her routine, life will be easier for everyone (including you!).
Good luck.
I know you still have a long road ahead, but everything always seems a little better in your own space.
I'll continue the prayers!
We are thankful to Our Lovely Father who gives us proves of His never ending mercy and daily care for us.
Home is really where the heart is. Nice to see Vivian happy and confident.
Praise the Lord!
all my loving,
Keeping all of your in my prayers.
Prayers continuing to be said for Vivian. So glad you have her home with you Eloise. Sending you many hugs!
I am sure that cast must be uncomfortable sleeping. Can you imagine? Things will get easier as routine sets back in. God bless you all!
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