I saw this bumper sticker on a car when we were dropping off Will at Texas Christian University, home of the Horned Frogs. I thought it was so funny!

Saying good-bye to his sister. Not happy that Mom has already pulled out the camera on her phone!

Arrival at TCU in Fort Worth. They had an impressively organized system for checking in new students, handing out room keys and ID's and assisting with unloading cars

I took this picture of the student center and, lo and behold, I captured Will and Robert returning with his room key and a pass to let us into the driveway by Will's dorm for 15 minutes

The University provided these laundry bins and a lot of upperclass volunteers to assist with moving things from cars to the dorm. Robert, Will and a volunteer got all of Will's things to his room in one trip while I parked the car

Will checking out his new bed (his bedding, that I ordered from The Company Store over a month ago, shipped on the 11th but has not arrived yet - grrr). Will has two nice roommates from Tulsa, Oklahoma and Newport Beach, California

"Ok, Mom, you made my bed and took my picture. You and Dad can go now..."

We met Will's roommate from Tulsa. He was very polite and personable. The roommate from California arrived after we'd left, but Will texted me that he is "really nice"

Posing with mom by his desk. I gave Texas flags for graduation presents last year, thinking boys might like to hang them in their dorm rooms. The roommate brought the nice TV, prompting Will to request that I send his XBox and games with a friend coming to TCU later in the week

One last picture with the 'rents. My phone is on Will's bed because he thought one picture with Dad's phone was sufficient. "He can email it to you, Mom."

Will's freshman dorm at TCU - doesn't it look amazingly calm for move-in day?
I cried on the way home. Can't believe my boy is old enough to go to college...
Awwwww, great pictures. Jeff took Judson to Ole Miss this morning; they left at 4 am to miss the traffic. We'll see if I get any pictures!
You'll appreciate the difficulty of moving into dorms at GT--you barely get to stop your car and throw everything onto the sidewalk while fraternity guys carry everything inside, then you have to park halfway across campus, walk back and unpack everything into a room that was built for what people brought to college in the 1940's--a suit and a slide rule!
My friend took her first daughter to UGA last week and she says she's still not sleeping very well. I forget how long it takes before you get used to the fact that they're not home anymore, but it does happen eventually. Best wishes and I hope he has a great year!
I can't believe you have a boy old enough for college! Just the other day Cooper said to me, "I'm never going to college mommy because I want to stay with you forever," and he melted my heart right there! Sending you lots of hugs today. Cooper starts 4K this year and I cannot believe he is that old. :)
Awwwww....I remember when we to dropped our first child, also a boy, off at college! We both cried on the way home, although not the entire 4 hour trip! He just graduated in May and I cried for joy and happiness then because I now have a lot more money each month! Enjoy your new status as an "almost empty nester"
That bumper sticker is adorable! :) Do they allow Freshman to have cars on campus. I know at some of the Universities here in Bama, Freshman can have a car on campus, but they can't park during classes. Just wondering about TCU. :) Love all the pics. Sorry the bedding didn't come!
Bless your heart - what a milestone for all of you! Cheers to Will for starting his frosh year and congrats to you and your husband for raising such a nice young man. Dots looks like she's really going to miss her big brother. :)
Fabulous photos! Hugs to you Eloise, you've had an emotional summer.
I'm crying with you! I know you are SO proud of Will!
What a great guy! And what a bittersweet day... thanks for sharing with us! You seem to have raised a wonderful young man who is now entering an exciting chapter in his life!
Will sure has cute, young parents! BTW, I'm not looking forward to doing this next year . . .
Pam Means
I cannot believe he is there now. The good news is that it is SO close to home. You can literally go have lunch with him if you wanted to. Not that he is going to want to but you know what I mean.
At least the drive home was short right?
What a big day! Looking at your pictures takes me back to the day I was dropped for the first time. It's amazing how quickly it comes. All the best to him on his first year at school!
It's that time of year...
My fourth "baby" left for her third year this weekend, and I'm still sniffling a little!!
Never ends!!
Around this time every year my mom always talks about how she cried in the car home after dropping me off for my first year of college - and I was only about 50 minutes away from home!
My nephew is a sophomore at TCU. Your son is in good hands.
Awwww, how sweet! I am shocked at how orderly things went. I had heard from a friend that TCU had run out of dorms for incoming freshman and some of them would have to live off campus somewhere??? Looks like they have it all well planned out and organized! Best wishes to Will during his first year at TCU!
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