Last night Robert, Vivian, Dots and I went to the SMU football game. (Sadly Will was over in Fort Worth cheering for our purple rivals.) We didn't tell Vivian ahead of time where we were going lest she get anxious and upset and refuse to get in the car, but she figured things out and cried out "I don't like SMU!" as soon as we pulled onto the campus. Robert was able to entice Vivian out of the car and into her stroller with a promise of a Sprite. After we found our seats in the stadium, Vivian did great - even clapped occasionally and cheered, "Go SMU!"
I'm proud to say the Mustangs won their home opener 28-7 which made for a happy and successful family outing.

The happy fan with her Sprite

Vivian pointed to the Jumbotron and said, "Look! The football game is on the big TV!"

Vivian and Robert (Dots is WAY too cool to sit with her parents when there are friends her age to hang out with in the end zone)
Love the photo of Vivian and her daddy! It's amazing what a little Sprite can accomplish ~ happy to see her smiling and out and about with her family. Football and fall go hand in hand.
Fun times! She looks happy (hey, I'm a lot like Vivian, I usually fuss about going but I like it once I get there!)
She looks so great! God is so good!
Congrats to the Ponys.
Vivian looks just beautiful!!! I am glad you all had a wonderful night of football together.
Nothing like football, fall and Sprite! Congratulations to the Mustangs and those Frogs! Will must love being a part of TCU's winning ways. I must admit to being thrilled for the Frogs' recent success. They spent so many years at the bottom.
Aren't you glad football season has arrived? Sprite is a big enticer in our household, too. :) Great to see Vivian out-and-about with a big smile on her face!
LOVE to see that happy girl smile! Congrats to SMU!
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