The wonderful Tami from The Lady in the Stone House and I have corresponded since the early days of both our blogs. Tami unwisely decided to leave beautiful cool Washington state in July for hot hot hot, not so scenic, and did I mention hot, Texas, but I'm so glad she did! Tami was every bit as nice and gracious in person as she comes across on her blog. She kindly brought me a copy of a new cookbook from the school she and her children attended, and I have enjoyed perusing its recipes. I look forward to trying many of them!

Gigi from 2 Little Bugs and I have corresponded by email for quite some time but had never met. I knew that she and her daughter were going to be passing through Dallas on their way to Colorado and we had talked of getting together but had made no definite plans. My friend Cynthia was visiting from Mississippi, and Dots and I took her to our favorite soufflé restaurant. We were enjoying our meal on the patio when a mother and daughter walked in and were seated at the table next to ours. I don't think I'd ever seen a picture of Gigi, but I kept thinking the daughter looked familiar. After I stared at the pair of them a while, the mother looked up and asked, "Are you Eloise?" What are the chances that we would end up at the same restaurant for lunch? In another small world incident, it turns out that Gigi is a longtime friend of my across the street neighbor. Gigi stopped by to visit him and his family and looked across the street and saw Vivian's 'Welcome Home' banner. Gigi told me she was afraid to tell me for fear I was going to think she was stalking me! We were able to meet for dinner before Gigi and her daughter continued on to Colorado, and we had a lovely visit.
My blog friends are such a blessing in my life!
Bog and online friends surely ARE a wonderful aspect of life. Did you ever notice how some people look at you kind of funny when you talk about this — if they are not part of an online experience?
Of course I meant bLog!!!
The pleasure was all mine! It was fun to meet you IRL.
I hope you make it to the Pacific Northwest someday.
Texas is warm however; the Texans have warm hearts too ;) Nice, nice folks.
blog friends are amazing! I just wrote about my amazing weekend on Nantucket with bevy, kk, and gabi. Mama Henley sadly could not make it. The internet is truly amazing, isn't it?!
Thanks so very much for the recipe. I meant to email you back... got too distracted along the way!
Yes, blog friends are a wonderful addition to our lives!! xoxo
Meeting friends in person - what fun! Hope they had a wonderful time here in Big D!
Blog friends ARE the best! I could say the same things about Nantucket. It was amazing...
Must be a God thing!
That is so fabulous. Love the blog world!
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