Sunset view from our room
We are in Hawaii for Spring Break this week. Our family been to this resort several times before, but this year is a little different because Will is not with us (he elected to go to Panama City Beach with some fraternity brothers instead; can you imagine?!) and Vivian accompanied us here for the first time.
I had fretted about our decision to bring Vivian because she typically has such a tough time with new places and transitions, but she has been great! We've had a couple of meltdowns and have not been able to go out to dinner at night, but overall, Robert and I have been thrilled with how well Vivian has behaved and surprised and delighted with how much she has enjoyed herself here. The first day we arrived, she pleadeded almost incessantly, "Please take me home. I want to go home. I want to go see Percy" but such requests have diminished markedly each day.

One funny Vivian story: Robert and I have bribed Vivian to get into the pool each day with the promise of an Oreo smoothie afterward. Earlier this week I was trying yet again to convince Vivian and reminded her, "Vivian, what do you get if you get in the water?" Without hesitation she replied, "Wet."

No hands! Vivian on the water slide with Robert
More stories and pictures after we get home. Aloha!
What a gorgeous sunset! Hope you're having the most fabulous time in Hawaii, so great to see Vivian looking so happy and healthy! Sending smiles your way xoxo Soak up some sun for me!!
Ooh, I love Hawaii! It looks like you are having a great time!
Hawaii is the best! Vivian is being such a trooper!!!!!
I've noticed that Vivian looks very happy in the pictures you've posted elsewhere. Glad things are working out well.
I would love to go to Hawaii someday! It looks so beautiful. Hope you all have a wonderful time.
Aloha! Glad to see that everyone (including Vivian) is having a ball!
Aloha! Glad to see that everyone (including Vivian) is having a ball!
Im so happy all of you are having a good time! I agree, Vivian looks great!
So glad you were able to get away
I'm so glad Vivian is having fun! I am pea green with envy because I usually start plotting when we can go back to Maui a couple days before we leave for home!
Judson is in Destin this week for Spring Break with fraternity brothers, too....keeping our fingers crossed that no trouble finds him! ha!
I am so jealous you are in sunny Hawaii right now. We don't have Spring Break until the end of April! Sorry Will did not come along, but how exciting that Vivian did. Have a great trip. Can't wait to see more photos.
Oh, how I'd love to be in Hawaii right now - looks wonderful! And how great that Vivian was able to go with you. Enjoy!
I know Will was missed but i am so glad Vivian had fun!
She looks like she is having a blast in all the pictures and I know the rest of you did too! :-)
It looks like you all are having so much fun. I love Vivian's big smile.
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