Will brought some friends home to cook out the other night. They had stopped at the grocery store on the way to our house and picked up their "fixings" for dinner.
Though he has witnessed me cooking and entertaining often over the years, I'm not sure one iota of southern hospitality has rubbed off on Will. Nor has he absorbed much on balanced nutrition or healthy eating!

Here we have dessert, side dishes (two varieties of barbecue potato chips) and beverage, all of which conveniently also served as the hors d'oeuvres

For their entree guests had a choice of bratwurst or steak (not shown because they were whisked out of the kitchen and onto the grill before I could pull out my camera)

I could only take pictures stealthily from inside the house lest I mortify my son and chase off said guests. There seemed to be a lot more supervising than actual cooking taking place, though, from what I could tell
When the food on the grill was ready, I instructed Will to offer his friends a plate and some silverware (since it was clear he was not setting a table). He informed me that he only needed three plates because one of his friends had already eaten his bratwurst straight off the grill in a tortilla.
I had prepared a nice dinner of halibut, shrimp risotto with truffle oil and a Greek salad for Robert, Vivian and me that night. Amazingly, none of that appealed to the boys and they passed on my offer to share. Imagine!
I keep thinking of the Bible verse "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6). I hope that Will does not yet qualify as "old," else I have surely failed in my training duties somewhere along the way!