Dots left for camp in North Carolina this week. This will be her fourth summer to attend the same camp where I went as a girl. Since we live so far from where I grew up, I love being able to share this part of my heritage with her.
On Tuesday Dots flew to Birmingham, where she stayed with a good friend from camp for a few days.

Waiting for Dots' flight at the airport. You can tell she is trying hard to fight back tears of impending homesickness

"It will be okay, Dots! You'll be home in three weeks!"
Dots: "Really, Mom. You can go now..."

I liked this view of the Dallas skyline from the top of the parking garage at Love Field

I'm guessing Dots was sad to be trading that view for this one from her cabin at camp

I texted Dots Tuesday afternoon, "I miss you! Send me a picture!" She responded with this picture of her with my wonderful friend Anne-Murray, who lives in Birmingham. AM met Dots for ice cream after getting to town. I told Dots that seeing the two of them together only made it worse for me!
Dots rode with her friend CG and CG's mother to North Carolina on Thursday so they could be there bright and early for the first day of camp on Friday.

Dots and CG Thursday night at Sweet Treats, a favorite ice cream and dessert shop near camp. You'd never guess that Dots has a sweet tooth
CG's mother emailed me last night to report that all had gone well dropping the girls off at camp. Dots and CG are in the same cabin, and they have a very cute young college girl for their counselor.

Neon tank tops are all the rage with middle schoolers in Dallas right now. Dots custom ordered two with the camp initials on the front for her friend and herself, and she and CG wore them on the first day of camp (after that the girls will wear uniforms dating back to the camp's founding in 1919 - gray middie tops with dark green shorts and a matching green tie - not nearly as exciting, though I love the tradition!)
CG's mom reported, "Someone came in the cabin right after we got there to take a pic of CG and D in their CMW tank tops. About a million girls asked where they got them. Dorothy is a trend setter!"

I wish I could go to summer camp again.
I'm not thinking anyone ever referred to me as a trend setter, though.

c. 1977
What fun! No neon shirts when my daughter went to CMW, though. What a great place to be for a couple of weeks!
i want to go back to camp! they were some of the best summers of my childhood!
*** What darling "young folks" the gals are (!)~~~ they'll undoubtedly have a terriffic time, especially making memories to share as the years go by & their friendship endures...
I LOVED summer camp as a child... I haven't thought of those years, gosh, since I can't remember when!!! Soooooo, thank you for a fun blog!!!
Linda in AZ *
I loved camp! I was a Pinnacle Girl in Flat Rock, NC. Glad Dots loves camp as much as you did!
Yup she looks like she is fighting back those tears;) LOVE that last photo...and I 'll bet you were a trend setter in your own way!!!
What a DARLING pic of you at the end. I went to sleep away camp and loved every minute!
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