Will with Dots and Robert just before leaving for Fort Worth
Will headed off for his sophomore year at TCU last month. Sending him off this year was much easier emotionally and preparation-wise than last! In fact, after a summer of murky curfews and disagreements over the best uses of his leisure time, I can't say I was sorry for school to start back!

Tucker says goodbye

Dots and I followed in my car to help transport Will's clothes

It took us several trips to haul in all of his stuff. Will is living in his fraternity house this year, which at TCU is a designated dorm

"Will, can I take a picture of you in your room?"

Mom made a run to the Kroger's to stock up on nutritious (ha) boy food
Will seems to be enjoying his sophomore year. There's definitely a greater comfort level knowing how things work and where everything is on campus and already having a circle of friends.
Robert and I are heading to Fort Worth on Friday for TCU Family Weekend. I'm looking forward to that! I'll see if I can sneak a picture or two of the room this time. Go, Frogs!
Have fun this weekend! We are going to the Ole Miss-UGA game, so it will be interesting to see the state of Judson's house! Love Will's "frat cleats"....had to get a new pair for this year since last year's did not make it home last May.
I forgot to say that I also love your husband's shirt....reminds me of the answer to the question often asked around here: how does a GT grad get a UGA grad off their front porch?
Pay him for the pizza.
Laura's sorority house at Lehigh was also on campus, a designated section of a dorm. I found this reassuring. None of the sororities were allowed to have houses off-campus.
Yes, the second send-off is much easier! Hope he has a great year.
So glad this year was a little easier! Being the mother of a son, I will understand if there's not much photography this weekend. Have fun, though!
My little one is in her last year at ND. It makes me sad that the college years are over!!
Although it certainly was lots of work for ME!
Best wishes to Will on his sophomore year! Hope everyone is having a great fall!
oh so sweet! Dots really is a big supporter of the whole family- amd she always has a smile on her face!
I'll be so sad when my only daughter leaves for college in 1 1/2 years...but relieved too:)
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