In August Vivian, Dots and I spent ten days in Jackson Hole with my parents. Robert and Will flew up for a long weekend while we were there. We had a fabulous time! Here are some pictures from our trip.

First view of the Grand Tetons from our plane

The first night we were there my Aunt Judy and Uncle Frank, my cousin John and his wife Andrea and their kids came over for dinner (John, Andrea and Aunt Judy are pictured here with my sister-in-law Megan)

The cousins love Dots!

Our first morning there Dots snuggled on the sofa with my brother's children...

...while Vivian entertained herself with her *phone* (iPod Touch)

We ate lunch at the Pioneer Grill in the beautiful Jackson Lake Lodge on our way to an overnight visit to Yellowstone

Vivian refused to eat at the bar so her sweet cousin Mary Grace came over to visit with her

We stopped for a family picture at the entrance to the park

This is what Vivian thought of stopping for a family picture at the entrance to the park

We stayed at the Snow Lodge in the Old Faithful area of Yellowstone. The cousins (sans Vivian) stayed in my parents' room

Next door I caught up on email while Vivian napped

As evening approached, Dots and I took a walk around the geyser basin

The beautiful and historic Old Faithful Inn (built in 1903-1904)

Looking out over the geyser basin at dusk (sorry about the picture quality - my iPhone camera's low-light capabilities leave a lot to be desired!)

Dots by a thermal feature whose name I don't remember

Dots by Old Faithful as it erupted (and my picture quality deteriorated even further)

The next morning as we set out to drive the lower loop in Yellowstone, we stopped to look at the Fountain Paint Pots. Vivian refused to get dressed but at least she agreed to get out of the car!

Jed, Matt, Dots and Mary Grace check out the Fountain Paint Pots

Dots, my brother Jonathan, my sister-in-law Megan and my niece Mary Grace by a thermal pool. Mary Grace did not like the sulphur smell that permeates the air in Yellowstone!

Me and Dots by the Lower Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River

Lower Falls - quite spectacular!

Jed, Dots and Matt overlooking the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Entering the scenic Hayden Valley we saw a lot of buffalo

Close-up of buffalo taken from the safety of the car!

We stopped for lunch at the beautiful Lake Hotel (originally built in 1891 but substantially expanded in 1903)

The family waiting on lunch. Vivian was obviously not too interested, but at least she finally got dressed!

Dots by Yellowstone Lake. Lake is my favorite area of the park

A majestic elk in the midst of fire-ravaged trees

Passing through Grand Teton National Park on our way back home from Yellowstone. I never tire of that spectacular view!
Beautiful pictures Eloise! Thank you for sharing!!!
Good times and great pics! We had such a great time in Jackson and Yellowstone in June. The Pioneer Grill is a hoot--we always met interesting people there!
Love the photos. Thanks!
Where does your brother live? Wonderful that you could spend the time with him.
My sister was out there last fall and brought Charlie one of those "ranger" hats. So cute.
Looks like a great trip! Jonathen's daughter looks just like he did at that age!
Looks like a great trip! Jonathen's daughter looks just like he did at that age!
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