My dad with my brother and his kids and Dots by one of Yellowstone's thermal features near Old Faithful

My mom and Dots with Jed, Matt and Mary Grace near the Fountain Paint Pots at Yellowstone

Pretty flowers on my mom's table (part of a series of three containers - I have no idea why the picture is so blurry)

Will is here! The little cousins LOVE Will

Even Biba is interested in whatever Will is doing on the computer (I'm guessing he was playing Toontown)

On our way to a picnic at String Lake in Grand Teton National Park. I told you I never tire of this view - or of photographing it!

We coaxed Vivian out of the car by giving her some bread to feed the ducks (there weren't any ducks, but Vivian didn't seem to notice)

Vivian and Dots

This deer walked right by our picnic!

Dots finishing up her summer reading (To Kill a Mockingbird - one of my very favorite books!)

Someone take a picture - I am actually doing something outdoors and active! This kayak was actually very fun - and the scenery and weather were unbeatable

Me in the kayak and Robert on the paddle board

My dad on the paddle board

Wherever Will is, the boys are not far behind

My mom organized a really great picnic - Robert assisted with the grill

Will, Mary Grace and "Smurfette"

My dad loading up the boats to go home

Robert and Dots by Jenny Lake

One of the antler arches in the Jackson town square - Vivian calls these "rainbows"

On our way to my Aunt Judy's for dinner

Matt, Dots and Will playing bocce ball at Aunt Judy and Uncle Frank's

Aunt Judy always sets a beautiful table and serves a delicious meal

The annual Jackson Hole Land Trust picnic - this year held on my parents' property

Entrance to the meadow where the picnic was held

The picnic tent

The picnic tent viewed from the back

Arriving at the picnic

Me, Will, Jonathan and Mary Grace - MG wore the cutest pink cowgirl boots!

Will and Dots with Jed and Matt

Megan, Jonathan, my mom, me and Robert

This band played great bluegrass music

Me with my brother Jonathan

My dad sharing about the history of the property and its importance to the environment and wildlife

Picnic attendees

Family picture

My mom, Dots and Matt playing Mexican Train

Look! I'm working on my stocking!

My mom says Will is like the Pied Piper!

Dots, Vivian and my mom out for an evening walk

My mom, Dots, Vivian and I had a picnic at a park in town

Boo hoo! It's time to go home
What a great event for the Land Trust. I'm sure it was made all the better for your parents having their family able to attend. Beautiful pics!
Oh, and I love your outfit too, you looked great :)
What a breath-taking place! Looks like you had a wonderful time with your family. I can see why it would be hard to leave such a place.
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