Dots had a Revolutionary War assignment for school that she worked on this weekend.
For her project Dots decided to bake a cake in the shape of the Liberty Bell (she also had to write a report about the Liberty Bell). She made the whole cake from scratch using this recipe from the Gourmet cookbook. Dots baked the cake in a 9x13 pan and then used a paper template she had cut out based roughly on the measurements from this website to slice the rectangle into a bell shape.

The cake after Dots had cut and assembled it
For the frosting Dots used the buttercream recipe on the box of Domino's Powdered Sugar, adding varying amounts of melted chocolate to achieve different shades of brown. She pasted facts about the Liberty Bell around the side of the box holding the cake.

Dots frosting the cake. She used a slightly lighter brown for the bell itself and darker shades for the wood holding the bell and for the details

Outlining the bell and adding finishing touches

I thought Dots' project turned out quite well and am very proud of her!

Ready to take to school tomorrow
Impressive and how darling!
This old American History teacher gives project A+. What a clever idea.
Very impressive!! Great idea and she seems to have thought of everything!!!
Great job Dots! Elaine
I love it! I have my students do a "Colonial Trade" project. Maybe I should also have a bake off. Great idea Dots!!!
WOW! That cake looks yummy and turned out to be a terrific replica. Very creative, Miss Dots!!!!!
Great job, Dots! Props for creativity!
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