I hosted my annual Valentine Luncheon last week. I conceived this party over ten years ago as a way to celebrate and honor the wonderful friends that I have (and because girls appreciate all the beautiful trappings of Valentine's Day slightly more than my wonderful husband!).

The invitation. My quote this year was "Flowers are lovely; love is flower-like; friendship is a sheltering tree." ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Den table

Living Room table

Close-up of Living Room flowers. Aren't these exquisite?

Breakfast Room table

Close-up of Breakfast Room flowers

Dining Room table

Close-up of Dining Room flowers

Lighting candles just before everyone arrives

Jarrett prepares to offer my guests an hors d'ouevres of Stilton Tart with Cranberry Chutney and Tomato-Basil Rounds

Guests begin to arrive!

Camille and me

Hossain greets my friends with Kir Royale and Almond Tea
...to be continued
The flowers are beautiful! Did you arrange them yourself?
What a great tradition! As always, your home looks lovely.
I love your Valentine Luncheon! When I saw you'd posted, I said, "Oh goody!" It is lovely this year, as always.
Thanks for sharing.
So cute! Lovely flowers - who arranged them?!
Love it every year!! Anxiously awaiting the menu!!!
I have been looking forward to your recap! The tables and especially the flowers were just stunning...where did you get them, if you don't mind my asking! Can't wait to see the menu!
Everything looks beautiful. I am nit sure if you did the flowers or used that fabulous florist you have used before but they are absolute perfection!!! Glad there was not snow this year:)
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